Home Home-Remedies Pineapple juice to improve digestion

Pineapple juice to improve digestion


Pineapple juice with carrots is a great home remedy to improve digestion and decrease heartburn because the bromelain present in pineapples facilitates the digestion of food making the individual not feel heavy after the meal.

The ingredients used in these home remedies, in addition to facilitating digestion and reducing the symptoms of heartburn, are important natural antioxidants that help eliminate toxins from the body, leaving the individual with more energy and with more beautiful and healthy skin.

1. Pineapple with carrot

In addition to digestive it is good for the skin.


  • 500 ml of water ½ pineapple2 carrots

Method of preparation

Peel and cut the pineapple and carrots into small pieces, then add them in a blender together with the water and beat well.

2. Pineapple with parsley

In addition to digestive is diuretic.


  • 1 tablespoon of chopped mint or fresh parsley

Method of preparation

Pass the ingredients through the centrifuge and drink the juice right after its preparation or beat the ingredients in a blender with a small amount of water, strain and drink afterwards.

This digestive pineapple juice can always be taken with meals that contain a lot of protein, as happens, for example, on a barbecue or feijoada day.

People who suffer from poor digestion should often assess their eating habits and give preference to consuming easily digestible, cooked foods and avoiding fatty and sweet foods. However, if symptoms of poor digestion are still frequent, a consultation with a gastroenterologist should be considered.

See 7 other health benefits of pineapple.

Pineapple juice to improve digestion