Home Pregnancy Episiotomy: what it is, when it is indicated and possible risks

Episiotomy: what it is, when it is indicated and possible risks


Episiotomy is a small surgical cut made in the region between the vagina and the anus, during delivery, which allows to widen the vaginal opening when the baby's head is about to descend.

Although this technique was used in almost all normal births to prevent skin breakage that can arise naturally with the effort of childbirth, it is currently used only when necessary, because in addition to being very painful, it can also bring various risks such as urinary incontinence or infections, for example.

When it is needed

Episiotomy is used only in cases where:

  • There is a very high risk of severe skin lacerations; The baby is in an abnormal position and has difficulty getting out; The baby is large in size, making it difficult to pass through the birth canal; baby.

The episiotomy is usually decided by the medical team during delivery, but the pregnant woman can make it clear that she does not approve of this type of procedure and in this case the doctor should not perform the episiotomy, only in case it is necessary not to harm the baby. Episiotomy is considered illegal when it is done in an abusive or unnecessary way, as in the beginning of labor to accelerate birth, for example.

How to care for episiotomy

The best way to take care of the episiotomy and ensure good healing is to keep the intimate area clean and dry. Thus, it is important to change the absorbent whenever it is dirty, maintain good hygiene of the intimate region and, whenever possible, avoid wearing pants or panties to avoid the accumulation of moisture.

In addition, to facilitate healing and reduce pain caused by episiotomy, you can also apply ice to the region and take anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor, such as Ibuprofen or Acetominophene, for example.

Learn more about the most important care with episiotomy.

How long does it take to heal

The healing time of the episiotomy varies from woman to woman, the greater the greater the size and depth of the wound. However, the average time is 6 weeks after delivery.

During this time, the woman can gradually start her daily activities, without exaggerating efforts and according to the doctor's recommendation. Sexual activity should only be started after healing is complete.

Since the area may still be sore for a longer time, a good tip before attempting intimate contact again is to take a hot shower to help your muscles relax.

Find out what foods speed up recovery from episiotomy in this video by nutritionist Tatiana Zanin:

Possible risks of episiotomy

Although episiotomy can bring several benefits, especially when facilitating delivery, it should only be used in the indicated cases as it can cause problems such as:

  • Lesions in the muscles of the intimate region; Urinary incontinence; Infection at the cut site; Increased postpartum recovery time.

To prevent the development of some of these problems, the woman can perform Kegel exercises during recovery. Here's how to do this type of exercises correctly.

Episiotomy: what it is, when it is indicated and possible risks