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Equitam is a circulatory regulator that inhibits brain swelling and retinal swelling in the eye. Equitam uses ginkgo biloba as an active ingredient and can be found in pharmacies in tablets, capsules or drops.

Other trade names of drugs with the same active ingredient, which may vary in presentation from 40 to 120 mg per dose, may be Tanakan, Tebonin, Binko, Gonkoplus, Ginkoba, Dinaton or Gincolin.


Cerebral vascular insufficiency

Side effects

Stomach and bowel disorders; Headache; cardiac arrhythmia; drop in blood pressure; skin reactions; dizziness.


Pregnancy; breast-feeding. Ginkgo biloba should not be associated with treatments with antithrombotic drugs.

How to use

Adults: 120 to 160 mg / day divided into 2 or 3 doses. which must be ingested before or during meals.
