Home Pregnancy Stress in pregnancy: what are the risks and how to relieve

Stress in pregnancy: what are the risks and how to relieve


The stress of the pregnant woman can harm the baby due to the changes it causes in the woman's body, such as changes in appetite, sleep, increased blood pressure and weakened immune system, which increases the chances of infections in the uterus, premature birth and birth of underweight babies.

These consequences can happen because the fetus is more exposed to the hormone cortisol and the inflammatory cytokines that are produced in excess by the mother and crosses the placenta.

Main consequences for the baby

The main consequences of maternal stress for the baby include:

  • Increased risk of allergies because excess cortisol causes the baby to produce more immunoglobulin E, a substance linked to allergies, such as asthma, for example; Low birth weight due to decreased amount of blood and oxygen that reaches the baby; Increased chances of premature birth due to faster maturation of the systems and increased muscle tension in the mother; Higher insulin resistance and higher risk of obesity in adulthood due to exposure to inflammatory cytokines; Increased risk of heart disease due to unbalanced adrenal sympathetic system; Brain disorders such as learning difficulties, hyperactivity and increased risk of disorders such as depression, anxiety and schizophrenia due to repeated exposure to cortisol.

However, these changes are more frequent when the woman is stressed and frequently nervous.

It is normal to have nervousness and anxiety during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, changes in the body and the need to prepare for the new phase of life with the baby, but it is important to control stress to keep the pregnancy healthy and reduce the risk of these consequences for the baby

Also understand why pregnant women are more sensitive.

Main causes of stress in pregnancy

An increase in nervousness and anxiety during pregnancy is common, but higher levels of stress usually occur as a result of problems at work, lack of money or disagreements with the partner.

However, more serious factors like rape, sexual abuse, loss of loved ones or natural disasters can cause an even more serious form of stress in pregnant women, called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In these cases, women have symptoms such as severe anxiety, nightmares, frequent memories of the fact, guilt and the desire to avoid people or places that they used to like, being necessary to be accompanied by a psychologist. Learn how the disorder is diagnosed and treated.

How to get rid of stress to stay calm

To reduce stress during pregnancy, it is important to adopt some strategies such as:

  1. Talk to a trusted person and tell the reason for the anxiety, asking for help to deal with the problem; Rest as much as possible and focus on the baby, remembering that he can hear you and be your companion for life; Have a healthy diet, consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole foods, and avoiding sweets and fats. See how the food should be here. Do physical activity regularly, such as walking and water aerobics, as it helps to relieve stress and produce hormones that give the feeling of well being. To start exercising, see what are the 7 Best exercises to practice in pregnancy. Do activities you enjoy, such as watching comedy movies, taking relaxing baths and listening to music; Take calming teas such as chamomile tea and passion fruit juice, which can be consumed up to 3 times a day; Do complementary therapy, such as practicing yoga, meditation, relaxing massages or using aromatherapy to relax.

If the symptoms of stress do not improve or in case of depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, you should see your doctor so that he can prescribe specific remedies when necessary. Anxiolytics and antidepressants may be indicated but should only be used under medical advice.

Stress in pregnancy: what are the risks and how to relieve