Home Pregnancy Flagyl in pregnancy

Flagyl in pregnancy


Flagyl (Metronidazole) is an antibiotic that treats some sexually transmitted diseases. It can be used during pregnancy, but always under medical guidance.

This drug is classified by the FDA as being at risk B during pregnancy, which means that tests were not carried out with this drug in women, but in animal guinea pigs there was no harm to their fetuses, and therefore it is up to the doctor to decide prescribe the medication after assessing the risk / benefit for the woman and the baby.

Flagyl is excreted in breast milk and therefore should also be prescribed during breastfeeding to assess the risk / benefit.

This medicine can make the urine a little darker than normal and during treatment with Flagyl it is recommended not to consume alcoholic beverages until 24 hours after taking the last medication due to the risk of Antabuse, a chemical reaction that can lead to vomiting, pain headache, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, heart palpitation and even death.

Flagyl in pregnancy