Home Pregnancy Risk pregnancy: what it is, symptoms, causes and how to avoid complications

Risk pregnancy: what it is, symptoms, causes and how to avoid complications


A pregnancy is considered at risk when, after medical examinations, the obstetrician verifies that there is some probability of a disease of the mother or baby during pregnancy or at the time of delivery.

When a risky pregnancy is diagnosed, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions, who may recommend that the pregnant woman stay in the nursing home and spend most of the day sitting or lying down. In some cases, hospitalization may even be necessary.

What symptoms

During pregnancy, symptoms that cause discomfort in pregnant women, such as nausea, nausea, difficulty in digesting food, constipation, back pain, cramps or the need to go to the bathroom, for example, frequently occur. However, there are other symptoms that may indicate a risky pregnancy such as:

  • Bleeding from the vagina, uterine contractions ahead of time, release of amniotic fluid ahead of time, not feeling the baby moving for more than a day, frequent vomiting and nausea, frequent dizziness and fainting, painful urination, sudden swelling of the body, sudden acceleration heart rate, Difficulty walking.

When you experience any of these symptoms it is recommended to consult the doctor as soon as possible.

Possible causes

High-risk pregnancies are more common in situations where the mother's age is over 35 years or less than 15 years, when the woman's height is less than 1.45 m, when the pre-pregnancy weight is high or when there are structural abnormalities in the reproductive organs.

There are also conditions or diseases that may be the cause of a risky pregnancy, such as anemia, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, heart or kidney problems, hypertension, having become pregnant with fertility treatments, polycystic ovary syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and diseases autoimmune or thyroid.

In addition, the habits adopted during pregnancy also have an influence, such as the use of drugs, cigarettes or alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, stress, excessive physical efforts or exposure to harmful chemical or biological agents.

What precautions to take

The precautions to be taken in high-risk pregnancies involve rest, a balanced diet and compliance with the guidelines indicated by the doctor, which may include treatment with medication. In addition, the pregnant woman must go to medical appointments frequently in order to monitor the evolution of the pregnancy and avoid complications.

Find out how feeding should be in pregnancy.

Risk pregnancy: what it is, symptoms, causes and how to avoid complications