Home Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy


Teenage pregnancy is considered a risky pregnancy, as the girl's body is not yet fully formed for motherhood and her emotional system is very shaken.

Consequences of teenage pregnancy

The consequences of a teenage pregnancy can be:

  • Anemia; Low weight of the baby at birth; High blood pressure during pregnancy; Uncontrolled emotional system; Difficulty in normal labor requiring a cesarean section.

In addition to the health consequences, early pregnancy generates a lot of inner conflict, due to financial insecurity and difficulties in educating the child, therefore, adolescents need care, attention and support from parents. And if it is really not possible to have the baby, you can leave it for adoption, as this option is always more sensible than an abortion, as it is illegal and puts the girl's life at risk.

How to avoid teenage pregnancy

To avoid teenage pregnancy, it is necessary to clarify all adolescents' doubts about sexuality, because whoever wants to have a sexually active life must know everything about how to get pregnant and how to correctly use contraceptive methods to avoid a pregnancy before the ideal time. Therefore, we inform you that you will only become pregnant if the semen reaches the woman's uterus during her fertile period, which usually occurs 14 days before menstruation comes down.

The safest way to avoid pregnancy is to use a contraceptive method, such as the ones below:

  • Condoms: Always use a new one for each ejaculation; Spermicide: Should be sprayed into the vagina before intimate contact and should always be used in conjunction with the condom; wrong does not prevent pregnancy; Diaphragm: It should also only be used under medical advice.

Withdrawal and the tabelinha are not safe methods and when used as a way of preventing pregnancy they can fail.

The morning-after pill should only be used in emergency situations, for example, if the condom breaks or in case of sexual abuse, as it completely disrupts female hormones and may not be effective if taken after 72 hours of intercourse.

Condoms are one of the best contraceptive methods, as they are offered free of charge at health centers and are the only ones that prevent pregnancy and still protect against sexually transmitted diseases, such as hepatitis, AIDS and syphilis, for example.

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Teenage pregnancy