Home Bulls Nasal turbinate hypertrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Nasal turbinate hypertrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment


Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates corresponds to the increase in these structures, mainly due to allergic rhinitis, which interferes with the passage of air and results in respiratory symptoms, such as snoring, dry mouth and nasal congestion.

The nasal turbinates, also known as nasal conchae or spongy flesh, are structures present in the nasal cavity that have the function of heating and moistening the inspired air to reach the lungs. However, when the turbinates are enlarged, the air cannot pass as efficiently to the lungs, resulting in breathing difficulties.

The treatment indicated by the doctor depends on the degree of hypertrophy, cause and signs and symptoms presented by the person.

Main causes

The turbinate hypertrophy happens mainly as a consequence of allergic rhinitis, in which due to the presence of factors that trigger allergy, there is inflammation of the respiratory structures and, consequently, an increase in the nasal turbinates.

However, this situation can also happen due to chronic sinusitis or changes in the structure of the nose, mainly the deviated septum, in which there is a change in the position of the wall that separates the nostrils due to blows or changes in their formation during fetal life. Learn how to identify the deviated septum.

Symptoms of turbinate hypertrophy

Symptoms of turbinate hypertrophy are related to respiratory changes, as the increase in these structures hinders the passage of air. Therefore, in addition to breathing difficulties, it is possible to observe:

  • Snoring; Nasal congestion and appearance of secretion; Dry mouth, since the person starts to breathe through the mouth; Pain in the face and head; Alteration of the olfactory capacity.

These symptoms are similar to the symptoms of colds and flu, however, unlike these diseases, the symptoms of hypertrophy of the turbinates do not pass and, therefore, it is important to go to the otorhinolaryngologist or general practitioner for the evaluation of the nasal cavity and other tests in order to make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment.

How is the treatment

The treatment of nasal turbinate hypertrophy varies according to the cause, degree of hypertrophy and symptoms presented by the person. In the mildest cases, when the hypertrophy is not significant and does not compromise the passage of air, the doctor may recommend the use of medications to relieve inflammation and, thus, decrease the size of the turbinates, such as nasal decongestants and corticosteroids.

When treatment with medications is not sufficient or when there is a significant obstruction of the air passage, a surgical procedure may be recommended, the best being known as turbinectomy, which can be total or partial. In partial turbinectomy, only part of the hypertrophied nasal turbinate is removed, while in total the entire structure is removed. Other surgical techniques are turbinoplasties, which reduce the size of the nasal turbinates and do not remove them and usually have a post-operative period with fewer complications. Understand how the turbinectomy is done and how the recovery should be.

In some cases, surgery is also needed to correct the deviated septum and, often, this procedure is accompanied by cosmetic surgery.

Nasal turbinate hypertrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment