Home Bulls Arterial hypotension

Arterial hypotension


Arterial hypotension, popularly called low blood pressure, in most cases, does not harm health. In a smaller portion, it can be severe and may result in cardiogenic shock, requiring the use of venous medications to increase it, with a high risk of death. Generally, in these cases it is associated with other signs and symptoms, such as shortness of breath, weakness, chest pain, bleeding.

The pressure is considered low when it reaches values ​​below 90 mmHg X 60 mmHg (9 by 6) and can cause dizziness and fainting. Generally, they occur with excessive heat, exaggerated physical effort, sudden change of position (sitting and getting up fast), staying in the same position for a long time, fright or anxiety.

Low blood pressure symptoms

Symptoms of hypotension are:

  • Dizziness; Headache; Too much sleep; Dark sight when getting up fast; Feeling weak.

These symptoms can appear at all ages, either steadily or suddenly.

Causes of low blood pressure

The causes of hypotension can be related to heat, the use of laxatives or drugs to lose weight, to spend a long time without eating anything and to exercise exaggeratedly, for example.

Treatment for low blood pressure

Treatment for hypotension is to eliminate its cause. As this disease, in most cases, does not have serious consequences for the individual, the intake of medications is unnecessary.

Arterial hypotension