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Hpv: symptoms, transmission, cure and treatment


HPV is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the Human Papillomavirus that results in the appearance of warts on the genital region after intimate contact with an infected person. This disease has a chronic evolution and the cure is difficult to be achieved, being important that the diagnosis is made as soon as the initial symptoms and the treatment is done according to medical advice.

Due to the appearance of genital warts, HPV can also be known as acuminate condyloma, rooster crest, fig tree and horse crest, for example. Treatment can be done with the use of ointments or solutions that must be applied to the wart site in order to eliminate the lesions caused by the virus and strengthen the immune system.

HPV is curable

In some people HPV cures itself due to spontaneous remission of the virus. This can happen between 4 weeks and 2 years after contamination with viruses in people who have a good immune system, that is, the body is able to effectively fight infection by the virus, with, in most cases, the onset of of HPV symptoms. However, even if there are no symptoms, people infected with HPV can transmit the virus to others until there is a cure.

For people who have found that they have HPV but have no symptoms, the doctor can assess whether treatment should be performed but despite this it may be useful to invest in home treatments, strengthening the immune system with the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, such as pineapple, acerola and strawberry, for example. Know when spontaneous HPV remission occurs.

Usually people who show symptoms are not cured of HPV alone, so treatment is needed. Relapses are common, but whenever the treatment is carried out correctly, the person is completely cured. Thus, when the symptoms disappear and with the end of treatment, it can be said that the patient has achieved a cure for HPV, which can be confirmed through tests.

Although treatment is not always sufficient to definitively cure HPV, it is important to carry out treatment because infection with HPV increases the risk of cancer. To achieve this 'cure' of HPV, it is recommended to use the medications indicated by the doctor and use a condom in all relationships.

HPV in the roof of the mouth

HPV in the throat

HPV symptoms

HPV symptoms can take between and months and years to manifest, which is influenced by the person's immune system and viral load, that is, the amount of viruses circulating in the body. The most characteristic symptom of HPV is the appearance of several small warts in the male or female intimate region.

In the case of women, warts may also be present on the cervix, not easily visible, and not present on the female external region. Thus, the diagnosis of HPV must be by clinical-visual examination and confirmed by a pap smear or biopsy of the warts. See all the details of symptoms and photos of HPV.

HPV in men

HPV in men is similar to HPV in women, however it is very common for men to have no symptoms, although the virus is present on the skin of the genital organ and can be transmitted to other people through intimate contact. See How to identify HPV in men.

Sometimes the virus is naturally eliminated by the body and what can happen is that the man contaminates his partner and she develops symptoms and when he undergoes tests he discovers that he no longer has the virus. So it is not always possible to know who passed the virus on to the other.

The test indicated to identify HPV in men is peniscopy and the treatment can be done with cryotherapy, laser, solutions and ointments, in addition to medicines to strengthen the immune system. Treatment does not interfere with male erection and fertility. Understand how Peniscopy is done to identify HPV in men.

HPV treatment

The treatment for HPV lasts an average of 2 years and it is important that it be done according to the doctor's guidance even if there are no symptoms, that way it is possible to achieve a cure more easily. The medications indicated by the doctor aim to strengthen the immune system and eliminate the lesions formed by HPV, which can be indicated:

  • Use of ointments and solutions applied by the doctor in the office; Cauterization surgeries (laser) performed from time to time by the doctor.

Trichloroacetic acid (ATA) at 70 and 90% and Podophylline at 15%, in alcoholic solution, must be applied by the doctor once a week and the ointment, such as Podophyllotoxin at 0.15%, must be applied by the person himself 2 times a day. Treatment for HPV is time-consuming and can be expensive, but it is the only way to beat the disease and decrease the risk of cancer in men and women. Find out how HPV treatment is done.

HPV transmission

The transmission of HPV happens from intimate contact without a condom with a person with the virus, even if that person does not show visible symptoms. HPV is highly infectious, so just one unprotected intimate contact is enough for the virus to be transmitted.

The virus incubation time varies from 1 month to 2 years and during this period, although there are no symptoms, it is already possible to transmit the virus to other people. In addition, women can also transmit HPV to the baby during normal delivery.

See in a simple way how to identify the first symptoms and what to do to treat HPV by watching the following video:

HPV vaccine

The HPV vaccine is indicated for women and men between 9 and 26 years old and serves to decrease the risk of cancer of the cervix, penis and anus. The vaccine is free for all girls between 9 and 13 years of age because it is 100% effective when administered before the first intimate contact. From the age of 14, anyone who wants to get the HPV vaccine must buy it at the pharmacy.

Anyone who has had intimate contact or already has HPV can also get the vaccine because it protects against other types of HPV. After taking the vaccine, it is still necessary to use a condom at all times to avoid contamination with other HPV viruses.

Despite being very effective this vaccine can have side effects. See what they are: HPV vaccine.

Types of HPV viruses

There are more than 100 types of the HPV virus, only 4 of which are related to cancer. Types 16 and 18 cause about 70% of cervical cancer cases, while types 6 and 11 cause about 90% of genital warts.

Hpv: symptoms, transmission, cure and treatment