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Ichthyosis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment


Ichthyosis is the name given to a set of conditions that cause changes in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis, leaving it with very dry and flaking small pieces, which makes the skin look like fish scale.

There are at least about 20 different types of ichthyosis that can be hereditary, that is, passed from parents to children, but there are also types that can only appear during adulthood.

The spots of ichthyosis appear especially in the region of the trunk, legs or feet and, therefore, if there is suspicion, it is very important to consult a dermatologist, who can confirm the diagnosis and indicate the best form of treatment. Although ichthyosis cannot be cured, having some doctor-oriented care can go a long way in alleviating the discomfort caused by changes in the skin.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of ichthyosis can vary according to the specific type of each person, however, the most common type is "ichthyosis vulgaris" which leads to the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • Dry skin with intense flaking; Skin with a similar appearance to scales; Presence of many lines on the skin of the palms and feet;

These symptoms usually appear shortly after birth or during the first year of life and it is common for the skin to become increasingly dry with age.

Skin changes can also be aggravated when it is very cold or the weather is very hot, being less frequent in humid and hot places.

How to confirm the diagnosis

Most of the time, the diagnosis of ichthyosis is suspected by the pediatrician during the child's first year of life, however, when ichthyosis appears during adulthood, the diagnosis needs to be made by a dermatologist, as it is important to screen out other problems skin that may cause similar symptoms, such as leprosy or cutaneous xerosis.

Types of ichthyosis

There are two major groups of ichthyosis: hereditary ichthyosis, which appears in the child's first years of life and which passes from parents to children, and acquired ichthyosis, that is, that which appears throughout life, especially in adulthood.

1. Hereditary ichthyosis

The most frequent types of hereditary ichthyosis include:

  • Ichthyosis vulgaris: it is the most common type and appears during the baby's first year of life; Bullous ichthyosis: in this type, in addition to very dry skin, bubbles filled with liquids can also appear that can become infected and release a foul odor; Harlequin ichthyosis : it is the most serious type of ichthyosis that causes an intense dryness that can stretch the skin and turn the lips and eyelids inside out. Normally, babies with this type of ichthyosis should be admitted to the ICU shortly after birth; Ichthyosis linked to the X chromosome: it only appears in boys soon after birth, causing the appearance of skin with scales on the hands, feet, neck, trunk or butt;

Often, hereditary ichthyosis also appears associated with other syndrome, such as Sjögren-Larsson syndrome, for example.

2. Acquired ichthyosis

Acquired ichthyosis is the one that most often appears in adulthood and is usually associated with other health problems such as hypothyroidism, kidney disease, sarcoidosis, Hodgkin's lymphoma or HIV infection.

How the treatment is done

There is no treatment capable of curing ichthyosis, however, it does exfoliation and daily skin hydration is one of the most important cares to try to combat the discomfort caused by the condition.

In addition, it is important to speak to the dermatologist to find out what care can help improve the appearance of the skin. However, the most recommended general care includes:

  • Apply an emollient cream on the skin, such as Bioderma Atoderm or Noreva Xerodiane Plus, in the first 3 minutes after bathing; Avoid bathing in very hot water, as this dries out the skin; Use soaps with neutral pH to prevent excessive skin dryness; Comb damp hair to remove scales from the scalp; Apply exfoliating creams with Lanolin or Lactic acid to remove dry skin layers.

In addition, in the most severe cases, the dermatologist may also recommend the use of antibiotic creams, corticosteroids or medicines with vitamin A to reduce the risk of skin infections and prevent the appearance of scales.

Possible complications

The main complications of ichthyosis arise due to excessive dryness of the skin and include:

  • Infections: the skin cannot adequately protect against bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms and, therefore, there is a higher risk of infection; Difficulty breathing: the stiffness of the skin can hinder breathing movements, leading to breathing difficulties and even a respiratory arrest in the newborn; Excessive increase in body temperature: due to the increase in the thickness of the skin, the body has more difficulty in letting out the heat, and it may overheat.

These complications can cause some symptoms such as fever above 38º C, excessive tiredness, shortness of breath, confusion or vomiting, for example. In these cases, you should go to the emergency room to identify the problem and start the appropriate treatment.

To avoid the complications of ichthyosis it is important to maintain the proper treatment and keep the skin well hydrated, applying emollient creams, such as Bioderma Atoderm or Noreva Xerodiane Plus, every day after the bath.

Ichthyosis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment