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Female impotence: what it is, why it happens and treatment


The female sexual arousal disorder occurs when there is a failure to obtain sexual arousal, despite adequate stimulation, which can bring pain and anguish to the couple.

This disorder can happen due to physical and psychological factors, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, relationship difficulties or stress, for example. So, for the woman to feel aroused again, it is important to identify the cause and treat it.

Main causes

The female arousal disorder happens mainly due to physical and emotional factors but it can also be due to the use of certain medications. The main causes of this disorder are:

  • Diabetes; Stress; Depression Eating disorders; Low self esteem; Heart disease; Neurological disorders; Use of some types of contraceptives, diuretics or antidepressants; Conflicts with your partner; Alcoholism; Drug abuse; Endometriosis; Urinary or genital infection.

In addition, women in menopause or who have had their ovaries removed may acquire female arousal disorder due to altered hormone production.

How to identify

The signs that may indicate that the woman has sexual arousal disorder should be observed by the couple during attempts to have intimate contact that is pleasurable. Usually when the woman has the disorder, she starts to lose interest in sexual intercourse, has decreased lubrication of the vagina and does not enjoy the relationship, which can directly interfere in the woman's quality of life and self-esteem.

If in spite of all efforts the woman continues to have difficulties to get aroused, it is important to go to the gynecologist to discover the cause and, in some cases, to go to the psychologist, when the disorder is related to emotional factors, such as stress and abuse sexual, for example.

How to improve a woman's arousal

Female arousal disorder can be treated through psychotherapy when it is related to emotional factors. Thus, the psychologist can help the woman to identify the reason why she is not able to get aroused and, thus, help her to fight the cause and improve self-esteem and quality of life. Sex therapy with a sex therapist is also indicated and can help the couple to discover their own anatomy and that of the partner, in addition to the positions that favor pleasurable intimate contact.

Other options for promoting arousal in women are:

1. Food

Some foods are considered aphrodisiacs because they have nutrients that have stimulating properties, increasing the production of sex hormones and libido, such as ginger, pepper and ginseng, for example. These foods, in addition to stimulating the woman's arousal, also spice up the relationship.

Check out the following video for other aphrodisiac foods.

2. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles can also help women to feel more pleasure during intimate contact, as they increase blood circulation in the region and should be part of the treatment. See how to practice Kegel exercises.

3. Use of lubricants

The use of intimate water-based lubricants can help to keep the region moist and slippery, facilitating penetration and pleasure and can be applied before and during intercourse.

4. Remedies

Oral remedies such as Methyltestosterone and those for genital application such as Testosterone Propionate can be useful but should only be used under medical advice. The Tibolone remedy is indicated when it is believed that sexual disinterest is due to menopause. In some cases, it may be recommended by the doctor to use drugs that increase female sexual desire, such as Flibanserin, for example. Understand how Flibanserin works.

When the cause of the arousal disorder is a disease or infection, the treatment for these situations is sufficient for the woman to return to arousal and desire for intimate contact.

Female impotence: what it is, why it happens and treatment