Home Pregnancy 5 Ways to eliminate swelling after childbirth

5 Ways to eliminate swelling after childbirth


It is normal for women to have very swollen legs and feet after childbirth for about 3 days, and to be able to deflate faster what is recommended is to drink plenty of fluids, especially water or diuretic tea, without sugar, because the more liquids the woman ingests, the more the kidneys need to function, which facilitates the elimination of urine and combats this fluid retention.

This swelling happens mainly in women who go through cesarean section because they spend more time lying down and need to recover from anesthesia, but it can also affect women after normal birth, although in this case the swelling goes down faster because after normal childbirth the woman has more ease of movement. The swelling can last up to 6 days after the baby is born and if it lasts longer, you should talk to the doctor.

What to do to deflate the legs and feet in the postpartum

What is recommended to do to deflate the lower limbs after childbirth is:

  1. Drink more liquids: water or unsweetened teas are especially recommended, which also favors the formation of more breast milk; Walking inside the room and indoors, whenever possible: because the standing position and the movement of the body, promote muscle contraction and help in the venous return and also stimulate the exit of the lochia, which is the bleeding that the woman presents after childbirth; Moving your feet when you are sitting or leaning on the bed: because the contraction of the calf muscles or 'leg potato' is essential to stimulate the return of excess fluid in the legs and feet to the heart, in addition it helps prevent thrombosis deep venous; Raise your legs and feet, placing a pillow or cushion under your feet so that they are higher than your torso, whenever you are lying on the bed or sofa; Bathing in contrast with hot and cold water, dipping your feet in a basin with hot water and then in cold water, and repeating this process for about 5 times, is also an excellent strategy to eliminate swelling of your feet faster.

Watch these steps in this video:

Because the woman gets swollen after giving birth

During pregnancy the woman's body has about 50% more blood, but with less proteins and hemoglobins. After the baby's birth, the woman's body undergoes a major transformation, more abruptly. Excess liquid in the space between cells is a common and expected situation, and this translates into swelling located especially in the legs and feet, although it can also be noticed with less intensity in the arms, hands and also in the region of the cesarean scar or episiotomy.

Warning signs to go to the doctor

The swelling should last up to 8 days, reducing day after day. If the swelling is more present or lasts longer, you should seek medical help, as you may need to assess your blood pressure and check for any major changes in your heart, kidneys or liver. You should also go to the doctor if you have:

  • Pain in one of the legs; Redness in the leg potato; Heart palpitation; Shortness of breath; Very severe headache; Pain in the belly; Nausea or retching; Increased or decreased urge to pee.

It is not recommended to take any diuretic medicine on your own because it can mask symptoms that should be evaluated by the doctor, so diuretics should only be taken after a prescription.

5 Ways to eliminate swelling after childbirth