Home Bulls Inhibit



Inibine is a peripheral vasodilator drug that has Isoxsuprine as its active substance.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of asteriosclerosis and cerebral vascular insufficiency. Inibine acts directly on vascular smooth muscle, producing peripheral vasodilation.

Indications for Inibina

Asteriosclerosis; Reynaud's disease; peripheral vascular disease; cerebral vascular disease; thromboangitis; premature birth.

Inibina Price

The box of 10 mg of Inibine containing 20 tablets costs approximately 66 reais and the box of 10 mg medicine containing 30 tablets costs approximately 94 reais.

Side effects of Inibina

Increased heart rate; irregular heartbeat; palpitation; drop in blood pressure; stomach discomfort; abdominal distension; nausea; vomiting; chest pain; weakness; nervousness; dizziness; severe skin rash.

Contraindications for Inibina

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; patients with pressure drop or tachycardia; heart disease or severe anemia; immediately after delivery in case of arterial bleeding.

How to use Inibina

Injectable use


  • Administer 10 mg, 4 times a day.