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Quarterly contraceptive injection


The quarterly contraceptive injection has a progestin in its composition, which acts by inhibiting ovulation and increasing the viscosity of the cervical mucus, making the passage of sperm difficult, preventing pregnancy. Injections of this type are Depo Provera and Contracep, which can completely suppress menstruation during those three months, although in some cases, minor bleeding may occur during the month.

Generally, for fertility to return to normal, it takes about 4 months after the end of treatment, which is equivalent to about 7 months after the last injection, but some women may notice that menstruation takes about 1 year to return to normal after you stop using this contraceptive method.

Benefits of quarterly contraceptive injection

This type of contraceptive method has the benefits of decreasing menstrual flow, combating PMS, decreasing the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer, decreasing pelvic inflammatory disease and, in addition, it can also help in controlling the symptoms of endometriosis. Clarify all doubts about endometriosis.

This contraceptive is especially indicated for women who cannot use estrogens, and is also a good option for women with sickle cell anemia or with epilepsy, because this type of medication reduces epileptic seizures, although the mechanism of action is not fully known.

How to use

The contraceptive must be administered by a health professional, intramuscularly.

1. Application for the first time

If the person does not use another contraceptive method and is using the injection for the first time, they should receive the quarterly injection until the 5th day of the menstrual cycle, which is equivalent to the 5th day after the first day of menstruation. In these cases, a condom should be used during the first two weeks, in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

To start using this contraceptive after giving birth, it is recommended to give the injection 5 days after giving birth if the woman is not breastfeeding or 6 weeks after giving birth if she is breastfeeding.

2. Application of the second injection and following

The woman should receive the next injection no later than 91 days after the previous injection, regardless of whether or not bleeding has occurred, which is equivalent to an interval of about 12 to 13 weeks.

3. Exchange of contraceptives

If the woman is taking a contraceptive and wants to start using the quarterly injection, she should receive it within 7 days after taking the last pill, removing a vaginal ring or patch.

What to do if you forget to take your injection

If the woman forgets to have her next injection and 91 days have passed, she must have a pregnancy test through a blood test. If the woman is not pregnant, she should speak to the doctor, who will decide the date of the next injection, however, the woman must use a condom for the period of time indicated by the doctor.

Main side effects

The most common side effects that can occur while using the quarterly injection are nervousness, headache, abdominal pain and discomfort and weight gain or loss.

In addition, depression, decreased sexual desire, dizziness, nausea, bloating, hair loss, acne, rash, back pain, vaginal discharge, breast tenderness, fluid retention and weakness may also occur.

Who should not use

The quarterly contraceptive injection is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy; Known hypersensitivity to medroxyprogesterone acetate or any component of the formula; Vaginal bleeding of undiagnosed cause; Suspected or confirmed breast cancer; Severe changes in liver function; Active thrombophlebitis or current or past history of thromboembolic or cerebrovascular disorders; history of missed abortion.

Learn about other contraceptive methods that can be used to prevent pregnancy.

Quarterly contraceptive injection