Home Symptoms Intelligender



Intelligender is a urine test that lets you know the sex of the baby in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, which can be easily used at home, and which can be purchased at pharmacies.

The use of this test is very simple, but it should not be used when there is a hormonal change that can interfere with the result as occurs in treatments to get pregnant.

Syringe and cup supplied with Intelligender

Intelligender packing

When to use the Intelligender test

Intelligender is a test that can be used by any curious pregnant woman, who does not want to wait until the 20th week for ultrasound, and who wants to know the sex of the baby early in pregnancy.

However, Intelligender should not be used in certain situations that can affect the effectiveness of the test, such as:

  • If you have had sex in the last 48 hours; If you are over 32 weeks pregnant; If you have recently had infertility treatments, with progesterone-containing drugs, for example. If you have had artificial insemination; If you are pregnant with twins, especially if they are male or female many different.

In all cases, the amounts of hormones in the body may be altered, which means that the test's effectiveness may be compromised, with the probability of the test failing and giving an incorrect result.

How Intelligender works

Intelligender is a test that can identify the sex of the baby through urine, working in a similar way to pharmacy pregnancy tests. See how to do this test in Pregnancy test. In a few minutes, Intelligender indicates to the recent mother the sex of the baby through a color code, where green indicates that it is a boy, and orange that it is a girl.

In this test, the hormones present in the urine will interact with the chemical crystals in the Intelligender formula, causing a change in the color of the urine, where the color of the solution obtained depends on the hormones present in the mother's urine.

How to use Intelligender

Intelligender should be used according to the instructions provided on the product packaging, and to perform the test it is necessary to use the first morning urine, as it has a higher concentration of hormones.

A syringe without a tip and a small glass with crystals on the bottom are provided in the product packaging, where the test will be performed. To do the test, the woman must collect a sample of the first morning urine using the syringe, and then inject the urine into the cup, gently swirling the contents for approximately 10 seconds, so that the crystals dissolve in the urine. After gently shaking, place the glass on a flat surface and on white paper, and wait 5 to 10 minutes to read the result. After the waiting time, the color of the solution obtained must be compared with the colors indicated on the glass label, where green indicates that it is a boy and orange that it is a girl.

Where to buy Intelligender

Intelligender can be purchased at pharmacies, or through online stores like Amazon or ebay.

Intelligender price

The price of Intelligender varies between 90 and 100 reais, and each package contains 1 Intelligender test to know the sex of the baby.


Intelligender is just a test, and like other tests it can fail, and the child's gender indicated may not be the correct one. So, you should always expect to go to the doctor to do the ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby.

To have fun with the family, see 10 popular ways to know the sex of the baby.
