Home Symptoms How to identify isospora belli infection and how treatment is done

How to identify isospora belli infection and how treatment is done


Isosporiasis is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Isospora belli and its main symptoms are prolonged diarrhea, abdominal cramps and increased gas that normally pass after a few weeks.

Isosporiasis is common to occur in hot places where hygiene and basic sanitation conditions are precarious, with the development of this parasite favoring its infective form. The transmission of Isospora belli occurs through the consumption of food or water contaminated with this parasite, so it is important to pay attention to hygiene habits, both food and personal.

Symptoms of Isosporiasis

Isosporiasis usually does not cause symptoms and the infection regresses spontaneously, however in some situations, especially when the person has a compromised immune system, it is possible to have:

  • Diarrhea; Cramps; Abdominal pain; Fever; Nausea and vomiting; Weight loss; Weakness.

In people who have any change in the immune system, isosporiasis can favor the occurrence of other chronic infections, in addition to increasing the risk of dehydration, since diarrhea is watery and prolonged, requiring hospitalization of the person.

The diagnosis is made by identifying the presence of oocysts in the stool, but endoscopy can also be indicated by the doctor, in which changes in the intestinal mucosa and atrophy of the intestinal villi can be observed, being indicative of infection by Isospora belli .

How is the cycle of Isospora belli

The life cycle of Isospora belli begins with the consumption of food or water contaminated by oocysts of this parasite. In the intestine, the form responsible for the disease is released, the sporocysts, which reproduce asexually and sexually and evolve into the oocyst, which is eliminated in the feces.

The oocysts released in the feces need about 24 hours to evolve and become infectious, however this time also varies according to climatic conditions. The warmer the environment, the faster the infection can happen.

Treatment for Isosporiasis

The treatment for Isosporiasis aims to promote the elimination of the disease-causing agent, and the use of Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim is usually indicated by the doctor. The doctor may also recommend the use of another medicine if the person has an allergy to any component of the medicine or if the treatment is not being effective, and Metronidazole, Sulfadiazine-Pyrimethamine or Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine may be indicated.

In addition, as there is often chronic diarrhea, it is recommended that the person drink plenty of water and remain at rest to prevent dehydration.

How to prevent

The prevention of Isosporiasis consists of avoiding the consumption of water and food that were probably in contact with feces. In addition, it is important to adopt measures to avoid contamination, such as correct washing of hands and food and improvement of sanitary conditions in the environment. Check out some strategies to prevent parasitic diseases.

How to identify isospora belli infection and how treatment is done