Home Symptoms Exploratory laparotomy: what it is, when it is indicated and how it is done

Exploratory laparotomy: what it is, when it is indicated and how it is done


Exploratory, or exploratory, laparotomy is a diagnostic exam in which a cut is made in the abdomen in order to observe the organs and identify the cause of a certain symptom or alteration in imaging exams. This procedure must be performed in the operating room with the patient under sedation, as it is an invasive procedure.

It is recommended that the person remains in the hospital to be accompanied and recover more quickly from the procedure, in addition to decreasing the risk of complications, such as hemorrhages and infections.

When exploratory laparotomy is indicated

Exploratory laparotomy is performed for diagnostic purposes and is performed when there are some signs of changes in the abdominal organs.

It is usually an elective procedure, but it can also be considered in emergency cases, such as major car accidents, for example. Therefore, this exam can be indicated in order to investigate:

  • Suspected abdominal bleeding; Perforation in the intestine; Inflammation of the appendix, intestine or pancreas; Presence of abscesses in the liver; Signs indicative of cancer, mainly pancreas and liver; Presence of adhesions.

In addition, exploratory laparotomy can also be used to investigate certain conditions in women, such as endometriosis, ovarian and cervical cancer and ectopic pregnancy, for example. However, in most cases, instead of laparotomy, laparoscopy is performed, in which some small holes are made in the abdominal region that allow the passage of a medical instrument that is attached to a microcamera, allowing visualization in real time without being larger cut is required. Understand how videolaparoscopy is performed.

During exploratory laparotomy, if any changes are noted, it is possible to collect a tissue sample and send it to the laboratory for a biopsy. In addition, if any problem is identified during the examination, therapeutic laparotomy can also be performed, which corresponds to the same procedure but with the aim of treating and correcting what is altered.

How it is done

The exploratory laparotomy is performed in the operating room, with the patient under general anesthesia and lasts between 1 and 4 hours depending on the purpose of the exam. Anesthesia is important so that the person does not feel anything during the procedure, however it is normal that after the effect of the anesthesia passes, the person feels pain and discomfort.

After the application of anesthesia and the beginning of the effect, a cut is made in the abdomen region, the size of which varies according to the purpose of the examination, and in some cases, cuts can be made in almost the entire abdominal length. Then, the doctor explores the region, evaluating the organs and checking for any changes.

Then, the abdomen is closed and the person must remain in the hospital for a few days so that it can be closely monitored and, thus, complications can be prevented.

Possible complications

As it is an invasive procedure in which general anesthesia is required, there may be complications related to the procedure, as well as problems related to coagulation, increased risk of bleeding and infections, formation of hernias and damage to any organ located in the abdominal region.

Although rare, these complications are more frequent when emergency exploratory laparotomy is required or when the patient is a smoker, people who frequently consume alcoholic beverages or who have chronic diseases, such as diabetes or obesity, for example. Therefore, in the presence of any of these factors, it is important to communicate to the doctor so that the procedure is performed with caution and, thus, complications are prevented.

Exploratory laparotomy: what it is, when it is indicated and how it is done