Home Symptoms Who can do the tubal ligation and what are the adverse reactions

Who can do the tubal ligation and what are the adverse reactions


What is:

Tubal ligation, also known as tubal ligation, is a permanent contraceptive method in which the fallopian tubes are cut through surgery, preventing the woman from becoming pregnant again.

In general, the tubal ligation is not reversible, however, depending on the type of tubal ligation selected by the woman, there may be a small chance of being able to get pregnant again, even after surgery. Thus, the type of ligation should be discussed with the gynecologist to find the best solution for the woman.

Cutting sites for sterilization

How sterilization is done

How sterilization is done

Tubal ligation is done through surgery that blocks the woman's fallopian tubes, barring the encounter between the sperm and the egg, thus preventing fertilization.

For this, the doctor can put a ring that obstructs the tubes or make a cut, for example, however other methods include burning part of the tubes, using titanium clips or using suture.

During 3 weeks after the sterilization surgery, the woman should not have intimate contact and should avoid doing heavy tasks, such as cleaning the house or going to the gym, for example.

See also how vasectomy is performed, a permanent contraceptive method in men.

Who can tubal ligate

In Brazil, women over 25 years of age or with 2 or more children, for example, who no longer wish to become pregnant can be sterilized by SUS. Most of the time, the woman can do the tubal ligation after cesarean section, avoiding having to have a new surgery.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

Some advantages of tubal ligation include:

  • Permanent contraceptive method; Almost zero risk of becoming pregnant; Has no long-term side effects; Does not interfere with breastfeeding. It is not necessary to use other contraceptive methods.

However, this type of contraception also has some disadvantages, such as needing to be performed through surgery and, therefore, there is the possibility of surgical complications such as hemorrhage, infection or injuries to other internal organs, for example.

In addition, it is an irreversible method and, therefore, one must be sure before deciding to do so. Learn about other contraceptive methods that prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Possible side effects

Although rare, some immediate complications can arise, such as infection or hemorrhage, injury to internal organs and anesthetic accidents

Can the woman get pregnant?

Tubal ligation has an efficacy of about 99%, which means that 1 in every 100 women who are submitted to this surgical procedure, become pregnant, however, the effectiveness will also depend on the method used. Postpartum ligation is one of the most effective methods, as opposed to placing rings or clips.

Pregnancy is rare among women undergoing tubal ligation. However, if a pregnancy occurs, it is more likely that it is an ectopic pregnancy, which requires medical help. Know how to identify the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

Who can do the tubal ligation and what are the adverse reactions