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Is taking laxative bad for your health?


Laxatives are remedies that stimulate intestinal contractions, favoring the elimination of feces and temporarily fighting constipation. Although it helps to reduce the symptoms of constipation, taking more than 1 laxative tablet per week can be harmful to health, as it can induce dependence, in which the intestine starts to function only after taking the laxative.

Therefore, the use of laxatives should only be done under medical guidance, because in the right dose, they can be recommended, when it is necessary to empty the intestine during the preparation for exams such as colonoscopy, for example.

It is important to adopt good health habits to avoid constipation and not to use laxatives, it is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber, drink plenty of water during the day, exercise regularly and go to the bathroom when you feel like it.

Is taking laxative bad?

The frequent use of laxatives, such as Lactulose, Bisacodyl or Lacto Purga, for example, can cause long-term health problems, such as:

1. Dependence and worsening of constipation

When you are not defecating for at least 3 days, the stool becomes hard, making it more difficult to eliminate and reducing bowel functions, which further worsens constipation. In these situations, the use of laxative may be recommended to promote contractions of the intestine and promote the elimination of feces.

However, when the use of laxatives becomes frequent, it can end up making the intestine dependent on the medicine, working only when stimulated by the laxative.

2. Malfunctioning kidneys or heart

The use of laxatives in excess can also cause heart or kidney problems due to the elimination of important electrotics, such as calcium, in addition to vitamins and nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

3. Impair the absorption of other drugs

In addition to leading to irritation of the intestinal mucosa and making the large intestine smoother and longer, which makes the stool have to go a long way to be eliminated. In addition, the frequent use of laxatives causes a decrease in the roughness of the intestine that helps to shape the stool and that helps in intestinal contractions.

When to take laxative

The use of laxative may be indicated in some cases, such as:

  • People who are constipated due to lack of physical activity, such as bedridden elderly; People with severe hernias or hemorrhoids that cause a lot of pain to evacuate; In the postoperative period of surgeries in which you cannot make an effort or if you are lying down for many days; In preparation for medical exams that require bowel emptying, such as colonoscopy, for example.

However, the use of laxatives should only be done on the recommendation of the doctor, as in some cases they may interfere with other medications that the person may be using.

Contraindications to the use of laxatives

Generally, contact laxatives are not indicated during pregnancy, nor in patients with nausea and vomiting because they can increase dehydration, aggravating the problem.

It is also contraindicated for children who are constipated, being used only by indication of the pediatrician, because it can alter the intestinal flora, reducing its functioning.

In addition, this medication should not be used when you have bulimia or anorexia or when taking diuretics, such as furosemide, as it increases the loss of water and minerals in the body that can lead to malfunction of the kidneys or heart, for example.

How to take laxatives without harming health

The laxatives recommended by the doctor can be taken orally through drops or syrup solutions or by applying a suppository directly to the anus and lead to increased bowel movements and help to make the stool more, facilitating its exit.

However, a healthier option, with less health risks and that can be used before laxative medications is to use juices and teas that have a laxative effect, such as papaya juice with orange or senna tea, for example. Watch the video to learn how:

How to improve bowel function

To increase the functioning of the intestine, without having to use laxatives, it is recommended to start with natural strategies such as:

  • Drink more water, drinking at least 1.5L of water daily; Eat fiber-rich foods like pasta and brown rice or seed bread; Avoid white foods, such as white bread, potatoes, flour, which are low in fiber; Eat fruits with peel and with laxative effects such as plum, grape, papaya, kiwi or orange; Take yogurt with seeds, like flaxseed or chia.

Generally, when the consumption of this type of food is daily, the intestine starts functioning more regularly, eliminating the use of contact laxatives. Know the main causes of constipation and what to do.

Is taking laxative bad for your health?