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Powdered milk: is it bad or fattening?


Generally, powdered milk has the same composition as equivalent milk, which can be skimmed, semi-skimmed or whole, but from which water has been removed by an industrial process.

Powdered milk has greater durability than liquid milk, and can last for a month even after being opened, while the liquid lasts for about 3 days and, even so, needs to be kept in the refrigerator.

There is not a big difference between liquid milk and powdered milk, since the composition of both is very similar, except for the presence of water, although in the processing of powdered milk, they can be lost or altered some substances.

Powdered milk, in addition to being diluted with water to be consumed like liquid milk, it is also widely used to make desserts. Know the benefits of milk.

Is milk powder fattening?

Powdered milk, if properly prepared, is fattening the same as the corresponding liquid milk, that is, if it is semi-skimmed-milk powder, the calorie intake will be similar to another liquid semi-skimmed milk, if it is a whole milk powder, the amount of calories ingested will already be equivalent to a whole liquid milk.

However, if the person makes an incorrect dilution, and puts a greater amount of powdered milk in the glass of water, he may be consuming more calories and, as a consequence, gaining weight more easily.

In addition, there are also dairy compounds that are different from powdered milk because they have other associated ingredients such as sugar, oils and minerals and vitamins, for example.

Is powdered milk bad?

During the processing of liquid milk into powdered milk, the cholesterol present in the milk can oxidize, becoming a more dangerous cholesterol and with a greater tendency to form atherosclerosis plaques, being a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

So, it is best to opt for skim milk, because it will have less amount of cholesterol in the composition. In addition, powdered milk can have more additives, so that it can be kept for longer and, so that, after diluted in water, it has the appearance of a conventional milk.

Powdered milk: is it bad or fattening?