Home Bulls Lipostabil: what it is, what it is indicated for and why it was banned in Brazil

Lipostabil: what it is, what it is indicated for and why it was banned in Brazil


Lipostabil is a medication that has phosphatidylcholine in its composition, also known as sodium deoxycholate, indicated for the treatment and prevention of fat embolism.

However, this medication has been imported from Europe and used by cosmetic clinics, where it is injected subcutaneously, with the aim of burning localized fat.

Although the commercialization of this medicine, as well as advertising for aesthetic purposes and its use in beauty clinics and other establishments, was already banned by Anvisa in 2002, it continues to be used improperly, putting the health of the people who use it at risk, as there are no studies that prove the efficacy and safety of phosphatidylcholine for this purpose.

What side effects

Some of the side effects that were manifested with the use of Lipostabil subcutaneously were nausea, burning in the region, anorexia, diarrhea, depression, weight gain, arrhythmias, hypotension and weakness.

According to Anvisa, any company that sells the product will be fined and in extreme cases, the establishments may be closed.

Lipostabil: what it is, what it is indicated for and why it was banned in Brazil