Home Symptoms Lipostabil is banned by ANVISA

Lipostabil is banned by ANVISA


In April 2011, the drug Lipostabil, whose active ingredient is phosphatidylcholine, used to reduce localized fat in cosmetic procedures, had its sale banned in Brazil, by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency). This is because Anvisa still wants to regulate and restrict the use of this substance.

Anvisa warns everyone that the use of this medication has not yet been authorized in Brazilian territory due to the lack of scientific research related to the indications and adverse long-term effects that may occur with its use, and that the reduction of localized fat is not proven scientifically.

Lipostabil is distributed by the Aventis Pharma laboratory in Italy and according to Anvisa any company that markets the product will be assessed and may be fined. And in extreme cases, the establishment may be closed.

Lipostabil is banned by ANVISA