Home Pregnancy List of exams for pregnant women over 35

List of exams for pregnant women over 35


The list of tests for pregnant women over 35 years old is slightly longer than that of younger pregnant women because from this age on there is a greater risk of miscarriage or complications in the mother or baby.

This risk occurs because the eggs can undergo some changes that increase the baby's risk of suffering from some genetic syndrome, such as Down's Syndrome. However, not all women who became pregnant after the age of 35 have complications during pregnancy, childbirth or postpartum. The risks are greater in women who are obese, diabetic or who smoke.

Pregnancy exams after age 35

In addition to the first trimester exams normally ordered by the doctor, other exams that can be ordered for women who have become pregnant over 35 are:

  • Fetal biochemical profile: It serves to help in the diagnosis of genetic diseases in the baby. It is not a routine exam. Its indications are evaluated by the obstetrician. Fetal karyotype: It is indicated when the examinations of nuchal translucency or morphological ultrasound show any alteration. It also serves to diagnose genetic diseases. Chorical villus biopsy: Helps to detect Down's syndrome or other genetic diseases. Liver enzymes: It is a type of blood test indicated for women with a history of liver disease. Fetal echocardiogram and electrocardiogram: Evaluates the functioning of the baby's heart. It is indicated when a cardiac alteration has been detected in the baby. MAP: It is indicated for hypertensive women, to check the risk of pre-eclampsia. Amniocentesis: Used to detect genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome and infections, such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus. It must be performed between the 15th and 18th week of pregnancy. Cordocentesis: Also known as a fetal blood sample, this test is used to detect any chromosomal deficiency in the baby or suspected rubella contamination and late toxoplasmosis in pregnancy. It must be done between the 18th and 20th week of pregnancy. Beta human karyonic gonadotropin and PAPP-A associated plasma protein: They assist in the diagnosis of Down syndrome and should be performed between the 11th and 14th weeks of gestation.

The performance of these tests is important because it helps to diagnose important changes that can be treated so that they do not affect the development of the fetus. However, despite all the tests, there are diseases and syndromes that are only discovered after the baby is born.

In addition to the conventional ultrasound exam, 3D and 4D ultrasound exams can also be used, which allow you to see the baby's face and identify diseases.

List of exams for pregnant women over 35