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Homemade mask for oily skin


The best way to improve oily skin is to use masks with natural ingredients, which can be prepared at home, and then wash your face.

These masks must contain ingredients such as clay, which absorb excess oil, essential oils that purify the skin and other ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals.

1. Yogurt mask with carrot

A great homemade moisturizer for oily skin can be made with yogurt and carrots, as the vitamin A present in carrots will prevent the formation of frequent wrinkles and pimples on oily skin and the yogurt will protect and regenerate the skin.


  • 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt; half grated carrot.

Method of preparation

Place yogurt and grated carrot in a glass and mix well. Then apply the mask on your face, avoiding the eye and mouth area, let it act for 20 minutes and then wash with cold water. To dry, pat the face with a very soft towel.

2. Strawberry mask

The strawberry mask is an excellent home remedy for those who have oily skin, as it helps to close pores and reduce skin oiliness.


  • 5 strawberries, 2 tablespoons of honey, ½ papaya papaya.

Method of preparation

Remove all the leaves of the strawberries and the seeds of the papaya. Afterwards, knead well and add honey. The mixture must be homogeneous and with the consistency of a paste. Apply the mask on the face with the help of a cotton wool and let it act for 15 minutes and after the determined time rinse the face with cold water and dry well.

3. Mask of clay, cucumber and essential oils

The cucumber cleans and refreshes, the cosmetic clay absorbs the excess oil produced by the skin and the essential oils of juniper and lavender are purifying and help to normalize oil production.


  • 2 teaspoons of lean natural yogurt; 1 tablespoon of chopped cucumber pulp; 2 teaspoons of cosmetic clay; 2 drops of lavender essential oil; 1 drop of juniper essential oil.

Method of preparation

Add all the ingredients and mix well until a paste is obtained, then clean the skin and apply the mask, leaving it to act for 15 minutes. Then, the paste should be removed with a warm, damp towel.

4. Egg white and cornstarch mask

Egg white contains vitamins and minerals with antioxidant and moisturizing action and also reduces skin oiliness. Maizena helps to close the pores and leave the skin smoother.


  • 1 egg white; 2 tablespoons of cornstarch; 2.5 mL of saline.

Method of preparation

Separate the egg whites from the yolk, beat the egg whites well and add the cornstarch and saline until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then, wash and dry the skin well and apply the mask on the face, leaving it to act for about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water.

Homemade mask for oily skin