Home Bulls Main causes and how to lighten the dark spots in the groin

Main causes and how to lighten the dark spots in the groin


The appearance of dark spots on the groin is a common situation, especially among women, since they usually do hair removal in the region or have thicker legs, with more friction and resulting in the darkening of the region.

The presence of spots in the groin usually have a negative impact on a woman's self-esteem, so some natural and aesthetic treatments can help to lighten the region and prevent the appearance of spots.

Main causes of groin spots

Dark spots in the groin appear due to situations that trigger an inflammatory process in the region that stimulates the production of melanin, leading to the appearance of dark spots. The main causes of dark spots in the groin are:

  • Hormonal changes, leading to increased melanin production in some regions of the body; Use of very tight clothing; Constant friction between the legs; Use of blades for hair removal; Allergic reactions to homemade solutions to eliminate stains, especially when using lemon improperly.

People who are overweight or have very thick legs are more likely to have dark spots in the groin because of the more frequent friction.

Usually, those who have diabetes or other endocrine diseases have dark spots not only on the groin, but also on the armpits and neck, for example, and this situation is called Acanthosis nigricans. Understand what acanthosis is and how treatment is done.

How to lighten dark spots on the groin

The dark spots on the groin can be lightened with the use of creams or ointments, which should be recommended by the dermatologist, through aesthetic procedures or with the use of home remedies.

1. Whitening creams

Some creams can be indicated by the dermatologist to lighten the spots that appear in the groin, such as the cream with Hydroquinone, retinoic acid or with azelaic acid, for example. These substances act directly on melanin-producing cells, controlling pigment production and promoting the bleaching of the stain.

It is important that the use of the creams is done according to the recommendation of the dermatologist, since it can cause irritation in some cases. Usually the doctor recommends using creams 1 to 2 times a day for about 2 to 4 weeks.

2. Aesthetic procedures

Aesthetic procedures are very effective in removing not only dark spots in the groin, but also in the armpits, for example. The type of treatment must be defined by the dermatologist according to the person's skin characteristics and size of the spot.

One of the options is chemical peeling, which corresponds to a procedure in which the most superficial layer of the skin is removed through the use of acidic substances, thus being able to eliminate groin spots. Another option is intense pulsed light, in which beams of light are applied to the region with the stain that are absorbed by the cells and substances present in the skin.

Although the aesthetic treatments are effective, it is important that during the treatment the treated region is not exposed to the sun so that the spots do not appear again. Learn about other types of treatment for dark spots in the groin.

3. Home remedies

Home remedies are great for removing spots on the groin, however it is important that they are used carefully and preferably under the guidance of the doctor, as they can cause skin irritation and even darken the spots instead of clear them.

An option is to exfoliate the area with cornmeal and oats or with sodium bicarbonate, for example, as it promotes the removal of the most superficial layer of the skin and, thus, reduces the blemish. Here's how to prepare home remedies for dark groin spots.

Main causes and how to lighten the dark spots in the groin