Home Bulls What is endermology and when is it indicated

What is endermology and when is it indicated


Vacuotherapy, or endermology, is a treatment that consists of sliding equipment over the skin, performing a suction that takes the skin off the muscle, being great for removing contractures and improving lymphatic circulation. This aesthetic treatment is usually used to combat cellulite and localized fat.

This technique can be used alone or in protocols that involve other types of treatments, such as modeling massage, radiofrequency, lipocavitation or carboxitherapy, varying according to the needs of each person. The sessions must be carried out by the physiotherapist specialized in functional dermatology or by the beautician, with sessions held 1-4 times a month, lasting 20-40 minutes per region to be treated.

What is Vacuotherapy for?

Vacuotherapy treatment can be indicated for:

  • Remove muscle contractures in the neck, back, arms or legs; Help fight cellulite in the belly, flanks, butt and thighs; Eliminate excess fluid in the abdominal region, legs and ankles; Contribute to the elimination of toxins; Stimulate and assist the lymphatic system; improve the skin's response to the application of creams for daily use such as moisturizers and anti-wrinkles; stimulate the production of collagen and elastin; improve the appearance of the scar, leaving it thinner and less attached to the muscle.

The suction is done by equipment that is attached to the skin and the suction of the skin occurs due to a pressure difference that can be controlled by the therapist who is applying the technique. Depending on the purpose of the suction, it must always be carried out respecting the direction of the lymph nodes and vessels.

Contraindications for vacuotherapy

This treatment is generally well tolerated, but it should not be performed in case of a recent scar, over varicose veins, open wound, local infection, use of a pacemaker, hernia in the area, hematoma, phlebitis, active infection, hypertension, use of anticoagulants, and poor pain tolerance.

What is endermology and when is it indicated