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Benefits of omega 3 for memory


Omega 3 improves learning because it is a constituent of neurons, helping to accelerate brain responses. This fatty acid has a positive effect on the brain, especially on memory, making it possible to learn more quickly.

Elevated levels of omega 3 are associated with better reading and memory capacity, as well as less behavioral problems. Although not everyone who has difficulty concentrating has a deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids, a deficiency in this nutrient can be directly related to attention and learning problems.

How to Use Omega 3 to Stimulate Memory

The best way to improve brain function is to have a balanced diet and regular consumption of fish and seafood, guarantees the daily needs of omega 3. Therefore, it is recommended to eat foods rich in this essential fatty acid daily, such as:

  • Fish: Tuna, sardines, salmon, trout, tilapia, herring, anchovies, mackerel, cod; Fruits: Nuts; chestnuts, almonds; Seeds: chia and linseed; Cod liver oil. Discover the benefits of cod liver oil.

According to the World Health Organization, the daily dose of omega 3 for adults is 250 mg, and for children it is 100 mg and this amount can be reached with the consumption of fish and seafood 3 to 4 times a week.

When to take the omega 3 supplement

When it is not possible to consume fish with this regularity or when a lack of omega 3 is diagnosed in a very specific blood test, requested by the doctor, it may be indicated to use omega 3 supplements in capsules, which can be purchased at pharmacies, drugstores and some supermarkets. But to make this supplementation it is important to have the accompaniment of a doctor or nutritionist so as not to harm your health.

Other memory foods

Drinking green tea throughout the day is also a good strategy for improving memory and concentration. Check out more examples of foods that help improve memory and boost the brain in this video:

Benefits of omega 3 for memory