Home Bulls 7 Juices for diabetics to take without guilt

7 Juices for diabetics to take without guilt


The use of juices must be done with great care by those who have diabetes, as they usually contain very high levels of sugar, such as orange juice or grape juice, for example, which for this reason should be avoided. Therefore, it is advisable to eat something with a low glycemic index, such as whole wheat toast to avoid an excessive increase in blood sugar levels.

Some great examples of juices that the diabetic can take without guilt are those prepared with ingredients such as watermelon, celery, apple and yacon potatoes, because they have ingredients that help control blood glucose. Here's how to prepare.

1. Watermelon juice with celery


  • 3 slices of watermelon about 2 inches of celery stalk

Method of preparation

Pass the ingredients through the food processor or centrifuge or beat in the blender, adding a little water to help beat more easily.

2. Guava juice with lemon


  • 4 peeled guavas2 lemon juice

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and take it next, without sweetening.

3. Tangerine juice with papaya


  • 4 peeled tangerines papaya

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and then take them without straining or sweetening. If necessary add a little water to make it more liquid.

4. Apple juice with pumpkin

This recipe is excellent for diabetes because it has a low glycemic index due to its composition of seeds and other ingredients, such as ginger, which control the blood sugar rate.

This juice can be taken daily as a snack or for breakfast and should be drunk right after its preparation, as it can oxidize and alter the flavor.


  • 2 apples with peel1 cup of lemon juicemint leaves to taste1 spoon (soup) of sunflower seeds1 cup of raw pumpkin1 cm of ginger

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender and then take it without sweetening.

This home remedy, besides being effective against diabetes, is very nutritious because it has useful vitamins to strengthen the immune system, decreasing the risk of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

5. Yacon potato juice

The yacon potato is good for diabetes because it has fructooligosaccharides and inulin, substances that are not digested by the digestive tract, having the same effect as fibers. Therefore, they can be consumed by patients with diabetes to help control blood glucose.

This yacon potato juice can be consumed daily, but the endocrinologist or diabetologist must be aware that the patient is taking this natural remedy. That's because food can influence blood glucose and the effectiveness of diabetes remedies.


  • 1 glass of mineral water or coconut 5 to 6 cm of sliced ​​raw yacon potato

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender, strain and drink next.

The yacon potato, in addition to helping to control diabetes, also helps to lose weight, by increasing satiety, containing fewer calories and even helping to control problems such as constipation, for example.

6. Pear juice with grapefruit

Pear juice with grapefruit is another excellent option for those who have diabetes because it is rich in potassium, causing a gradual rise in the blood sugar level to occur.


  • 1 pears, 1 grapefruit 1 cinnamon stick

Method of preparation

Beat the pears and grapefruit in a blender and then add a cinnamon stick to improve the flavor, if necessary.

7. Melon juice with passion fruit


  • 2 slices of melon, 4 passion fruit pulp

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender and then take it without straining or sweetening.

See other recipes for those with diabetes:

7 Juices for diabetics to take without guilt