Home Medicinal Plants Learn how to prepare menthol tea

Learn how to prepare menthol tea


Menthol, also known as goats' catinga and purple pickle, is a medicinal plant that has anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, being very effective in the treatment of joint pain, mainly related to osteoarthritis.

The scientific name of the stepfather is Ageratum conyzoides L. and it can be found in health food stores or pharmacies in the form of capsules or dried leaves, which are normally used to make menthol tea.

Despite having many properties and, therefore, many benefits, the stepfather should be used with care, as it can be toxic to the liver and increase blood pressure when consumed in high doses.

What is the stepfather for

Menthol has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, aromatic, healing, diuretic, vasodilatory, febrifugal, carminative and tonic properties and can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • Treat urinary tract infection; Relieve arthrosis symptoms; Decrease menstrual cramps; Treat bruises; Relieve muscle pain; Decrease fever; Relieve flu symptoms.

In addition, due to its anti-diarrheal property, consumption of the stepfather can decrease diarrhea.

How to use

Menthol for therapeutic purposes can be used in the form of flowers, leaves or seeds.

In the case of rheumatism, bruises and even osteoarthritis, compresses can be made with the menthol tea instead of the pain, to relieve the symptoms. To make the compress, just soak a clean towel in the menthol tea and apply it on the spot.

Mint tea

Menthol tea can be used to treat the flu, reduce menstrual cramps and help treat osteoarthritis.


  • 5 g of dried menthol leaves; 500 ml of water.

Method of preparation

To make the tea, just boil 5 g of dried menthol leaves in 500 ml and drink it two to three times a day.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Menthol should be used with caution, as excessive consumption can lead to increased blood pressure and cause liver damage.

The consumption of this medicinal plant is not recommended for diabetic people, with liver problems, pregnant women, infants and children.

Learn how to prepare menthol tea