Home Bulls Is the use of microwaves bad for your health?

Is the use of microwaves bad for your health?


According to the WHO, the use of the microwave to heat food does not pose any risk to health, even during pregnancy, because the radiation is reflected by the metallic material of the device and is contained inside, not spreading.

In addition, radiation does not remain in the food either, as the heating happens by the movement of the water particles and not by the absorption of the rays and, therefore, any type of food, such as popcorn or baby food, can be prepared in the microwave without any health hazard.

How microwaves can affect health

Microwaves are a type of radiation that is used in various everyday devices, allowing the operation of television and radar, as well as communication between various current navigation systems. As such, they are a type of frequency that has been studied for several years, to ensure that it is completely safe for health.

However, in order to be safe, microwave radiation must be kept below certain levels, determined by various international standards and, therefore, each equipment, which uses microwaves, must be tested before going out to the public.

If microwave radiation was released at high levels, it could cause heating of the tissues of the human body and even hinder blood circulation in more sensitive places such as the eyes or testicles, for example. Even so, the person would need to be exposed for a long time in a row.

How the microwave protects against radiation

The microwave design ensures that radiation cannot escape to the outside, as it is constructed of metallic material that effectively reflects the microwaves, keeping them inside the appliance and preventing them from being able to pass outside. In addition, as the glass allows microwaves to pass, a metal protection net is also placed.

The only places in the microwave that can sometimes release some radiation are the narrow openings around the door, and even so, the levels of radiation released are much lower than any international standard, being safe for health.

Adhesive door net

How to ensure that the microwave does not affect health

Although the microwave is safe when it leaves the factory, over time, the material may degrade and allow some radiation to pass through.

Thus, to ensure that the microwave is not harmful to your health, it is important to take some precautions, such as:

  • Ensure that the door is closing properly; Check that the adhesive net of the door is not damaged with cracks, rust or other signs of degradation; Report any damage inside or outside the microwave to the manufacturer or a technician; Keep the microwave clean, without leftover dry food, especially at the door; Use microwave-safe containers that contain symbols that indicate they are suitable.

If the microwave is damaged, it is important to avoid using it until it is repaired by a qualified technician.

Is the use of microwaves bad for your health?