Home Bulls Mioflex



Mioflex is an oral medicine that has Phenylbutazone as its active ingredient.

This medication is an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Besides reducing local inflammation, Mioflex acts as an analgesic, easing pains, fevers and other discomfort caused by these diseases.

Mioflex indications

Rheumatoid arthritis; spondylitis; osteoarthritis; rheumatism.

Side Effects of Mioflex

Gastrointestinal disorders; vomiting; Headache; mental confusion; nausea; stomatitis; vision disorders; pancreatitis; nephritis; hepatitis; stomach pain; rash on the skin; fever; dark stools; blood changes; sore throat; inflammation in the mouth; canker sores; yellowish skin; gastrointestinal bleeding; liver toxicity; ulceration in the mouth.

Contraindications for Mioflex

Individuals with a history of peptic ulcer; individuals with blood clotting disorders; heart, kidney or liver failure; arterial hypertension; individuals with asthma, rhinitis or hives; individuals hypersensitive to the components of the formula.

How to use Mioflex

Oral use


  • During the first 2 days of treatment, administer a Mioflex tablet every 6 hours or every 8 hours. Thereafter 2 to 3 tablets a day. Treatment should be done for a maximum of 7 days.