Home Bulls What is submucosal fibroids and how to treat

What is submucosal fibroids and how to treat


Submucosal fibroids are a type of fibroids that can appear in women due to increased proliferation of myometrial cells, which is the middle layer of the wall of the uterus, leading to the formation of nodules inside the uterus that can cause pelvic pain and bleeding..

This type of fibroid is located inside the uterine cavity and can be classified into:

  • Level 0, when the fibroid is totally in the uterine cavity, without any projection to the myometrium, affecting only the endometrium; Level 1, when more than 50% of the fibroid is in the uterine cavity; Level 2, when more than 50% of the nodule is in the myometrium.

The wall of the uterus consists of three layers: the endometrium, which is the outermost layer and is the location of the embryo's implantation, the myometrium, which is the middle layer, and the perimeter which is the outermost layer. When the fibroid develops on the outermost wall, for example, it is called subserous fibroid. Understand what fibroid is and its causes.

Also know the intramural fibroid.

Symptoms of submucosal fibroid

Submucosal fibroids are the type of fibroids that most show symptoms, mainly bleeding, since there is a compromise of the wall that lines the uterus. The main symptoms related to submucosal fibroids are:

  • Abnormal bleeding, which may be outside the menstrual period; Increased blood flow in the menstrual period, and the presence of clots can also be observed; Pelvic pain; Iron deficiency anemia due to excessive bleeding; Compression of nearby organs, especially when the fibroid is larger, which can cause an increase in urinary frequency, for example.

The diagnosis of submucosal fibroids is made by the gynecologist through imaging tests, mainly ultrasound and diagnostic hysteroscopy, which is considered the main exam for detecting submucosal fibroids, because it allows the internal visualization of the uterus and classification of the fibroid in relation to the endometrium. Understand how diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed.

Submucous fibroid and pregnancy

In the presence of submucosal fibroids, a woman's fertility is compromised. This is because there is a compromise of the endometrium, which is the wall of the uterus where the embryo is implanted. Thus, women who have this type of fibroid have more difficulty getting pregnant and more likely to suffer spontaneous abortions.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for submucosal fibroids is established by the gynecologist and is done through hysteroscopy, which corresponds to a surgical procedure, done under anesthesia or sedation, which aims to remove the fibroid. Learn more about surgical hysteroscopy.

In addition, the gynecologist may recommend the use of some medications to relieve symptoms by reducing the size of the fibroid or bleeding, in addition to improving the general conditions of the woman so that the surgery is less invasive.

What is submucosal fibroids and how to treat