Home Bulls Mirtax



Mirtax is a medication that has Cyclobenzaprine as its active ingredient.

This medication is a muscle relaxant for oral use, used to treat muscle disorders such as spasms and pain.

Mirtax acts on the brain by decreasing somatic motor activity, which results in the relaxation of muscles without altering their functions.

Indications for Mirtax

Muscle spasms; muscle aches; low back pain; torticollis; periarthritis; fibromyalgia; cervicobraquialgias.

Side Effects of Mirtax

Somnolence; dizziness; dry mouth; tiredness; Headache; vertigo; weakness; nausea; constipation; dyspepsia; unpleasant taste in the mouth; blurred vision; nervousness; mental confusion; malaise; tachycardia; cardiac arrhythmias; palpitation; Low pressure; diarrhea; vomiting: lack of appetite; gases; gastrointestinal pain; changes in liver function; edema in the tongue; gastritis; hepatitis; jaundice; urticaria; itch; swelling of the skin; tremors; agitation; loss of taste; increased frequency or retention of urine.

Contraindications for Mirtax

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women: individuals with hyperthyroidism; infarction recovery phase; individuals with heart problems; children under 15 years old.

How to use

Oral use


  • Muscle spasms: Administer 10 mg of Mirtax 3 or 4 times a day. Fibromyalgia: Administer 5 to 40 mg of Mirtax at bedtime.