Home Bulls Monster nitro pack

Monster nitro pack


Monster Nitro Pack is a food supplement that contains in its formula different nutrients such as whey protein, vitamin C and guarana.

This supplement for oral use is indicated for athletes and the main purpose of using this food supplement is to tone the muscles.

Indications of the Monster Nitro Pack

Muscle definition and toning.

Monster Nitro Pack Price

A box of Monster Nitro Pack costs approximately 148 reais.

Side Effects of Monster Nitro Pack

No side effects were found.

Contraindications for Monster Nitro Pack

Pregnant or lactating women; children; seniors; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use the Monster Nitro Pack

Oral use


  • Each serving of this food supplement has 11 tablets and capsules. The ideal is to ingest one serving of Monster Nitro Pack before training and one after. Use water or milk to ingest the medicine.
Monster nitro pack