Home Bulls Moxonidine



Moxonidine is an antihypertensive medication known commercially as Cynt.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with high blood pressure, since its action decreases resistance in blood vessels, improving circulation and keeping blood pressure stable.

Indications of Moxonidine

High pressure.

Moxonidine price

The box of Moxonidine of 0.2 mg and 30 co-pills costs approximately 75 reais and the box of 0.4 mg and 30 tablets of the drug costs approximately 125 reais.

Side Effects of Moxonidine

Dry mouth; Headache; fatigue; somnolence; dizziness; weakness; nausea; difficulty sleeping; rash; itch.

Contraindications for Moxonidine

Pregnant or lactating women; angina in the chest; glaucoma; serious heart disorders; cardiac insufficiency; Parkinson's disease; Raynoud's disease; severe liver disease; epilepsy; depression; individuals under the age of 16; severe kidney failure; patient using antidepressants; sinus syndrome.

How to use Moxonidine

Oral use


Start treatment with the administration of 0.2 mg of Moxonidine in a single daily dose. The dose should be adjusted at intervals of 3 weeks, until reaching the dose of 0.4 mg in a single dose in the morning or divided into 2 doses (morning and night). Some patients may require a dose of up to 0.6 mg per day, in which case the dose should be divided into two doses.
