Home Bulls Natubolic



Natubolic is a vitamin supplement that contains in its formula antioxidant substances, proteins and amino acids essential for a good performance and for the development of muscles.

This supplement for oral use is indicated for high performance athletes, since Natubolic removes toxins from the body leaving the individual with more energy and away from muscle fatigue.

Natubolic indications

Strengthen the immune system; muscle definition; physiological stress; muscle development.

Natubolic price

A box of Natubolic containing 90 tablets costs approximately 31 reais and the box containing 150 tablets costs approximately 42 reais.

Side effects of Natubolic

No side effects were found.

Contraindications for Natubolic

Pregnant or lactating women; children under 3 years of age; allergy to any component of the formula.

How to use Natubolic

Oral use


  • Administer 9 tablets of Natubolic daily, 3 tablets of the red blister before practicing physical activities, 3 tablets of the green blister and 3 tablets of the blue blister before sleeping.