Home Bulls What is anaphylaxis, what are the causes, symptoms and how to treat

What is anaphylaxis, what are the causes, symptoms and how to treat


Anaphylaxis, also known as anaphylactic shock, consists of a systemic allergic reaction of varying severity, which can be fatal. This reaction is triggered by the person's own body, which reacts to an allergen, which can be a food, medicine, insect poison, a substance or a material.

The anaphylactic reaction starts quickly, and can be triggered in a few minutes or a few hours, leading to symptoms such as low blood pressure, swelling of the lips, mouth and larynx and breathing difficulties.

In these cases, you must go immediately to the medical emergency, so that treatment is done as soon as possible. Treatment usually consists of administering injectable adrenaline and monitoring the person's vital signs. In some cases, the prescription of other medications, such as antihistamines or corticosteroids, may be justified.

What symptoms

Anaphylaxis starts suddenly and the symptoms that can occur are skin and mucous urticaria, erythema or generalized itching, swelling of the lips, tongue, larynx and / or uvula, which may cause breathing difficulties, decrease in blood pressure, fainting, incontinence, abdominal colic, vomiting, strange metallic taste in the mouth, among others.

The following table shows the most common symptoms in children and adults:

Adults Children
Symptoms Prevalence (%) Symptoms Prevalence (%)
Urticaria / Angioedema 85 - 90 Urticaria 72
Redness 45 - 55 Angioedema 55
Swelling of the tongue or larynx 50 - 60 Wheezing 59
Nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea 25 - 30 Irritating cough 33
Dizziness, fainting or hypotension 30 - 35 Nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea 29
Sneezing and / or nasal obstruction 15 - 20 Paleness, fainting and / or hypotension 17
Itching 2 - 5 Swelling of the tongue and / or larynx 11 - 13
Itching 11

Some of these symptoms can still appear at the same time, so it is very important to see the doctor as soon as possible.

What are the most common causes

Anaphylaxis occurs due to exposure to allergens, which are substances to which the immune system overreacts. Some examples of the most common allergens are:

  • Foods such as egg, milk, soy, gluten, peanuts and other nuts, fish, molluscs and crustaceans, for example; Medicines; Insect poison, such as bees or wasps; Materials, such as latex or nickel; Substances, such as pollen or hair of animals.

Learn to identify what may be the cause of the allergy, through an examination.

How the treatment is done

In the face of an anaphylactic shock, the first thing that is usually done is the administration of injectable adrenaline. After that, the person is under observation in the hospital, where his vital signs are monitored.

In addition, in some cases, it may be necessary to administer oxygen and other medications, such as antihistamines, such as intramuscular or intravenous clemastine or hydroxyzine, oral corticosteroids, such as methylprednisolone or prednisolone and, if necessary, repeat intra-muscular adrenaline, every 5 minutes up to a maximum of 3 administrations.

If bronchospasm occurs, it may be necessary to use salbutamol by inhalation. For hypotension, saline or a crystalloid solution can be administered.

What is anaphylaxis, what are the causes, symptoms and how to treat