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Balanitis: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment


Balanitis is the inflammation of the head of the penis which, when it reaches the foreskin, is called balanoposthitis, and causes symptoms such as redness, itching and swelling of the region. This inflammation, in most cases, is caused by an infection with the fungus Candida albicans , but it can also happen by a bacterial infection or, simply, due to an allergy to some type of underwear or hygiene product.

Although it can happen in any man or child, balanitis is more frequent in those who have not had circumcision, since there is more facility to accumulate dirt and bacteria under the skin of the foreskin.

When the first symptoms of balanitis appear, it is important to consult the urologist, in the case of the man, or the pediatrician, in the case of the child, to start the treatment with appropriate ointments and end the discomfort.

Main symptoms

In addition to the redness in the head of the penis, balanitis can cause other symptoms such as:

  • Intense itching; Bad smell; Increased sensitivity; Slight swelling of the head of the penis; Presence of white discharge; Pain or burning when urinating.

In some cases, it may even be difficult to pull the skin that covers the penis, as it becomes more swollen and tightened due to inflammation.

When these symptoms appear it is important to go to the urologist or pediatrician, in the case of infantile balanitis, to identify the correct cause and start the appropriate treatment.

What can cause balanitis

The main cause of balanitis is candidiasis, which happens when the fungus Candida albicans is able to develop in excess and cause an infection in the most superficial layers of the penis. See how to correctly identify candidiasis.

However, there are other causes that can cause irritation to the penis. Some are simpler, such as poor hygiene, use of a new medication or allergy to a hygiene product or underwear, while others can be more serious, including bacterial infections, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes or injuries. In addition, some skin diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis, can also arise in the intimate region, causing balanitis.

How the treatment is done

Most balanitis can be treated only with the proper hygiene of the region and the use of cotton underwear that allows the skin to breathe. However, when symptoms do not improve, the doctor can help identify the cause and initiate more specific treatment.

Generally, medical treatment includes the use of:

  • Corticosteroid ointments, such as Hydrocortisone: can be used in all cases to improve symptoms and reduce inflammation; Antifungal ointments, such as Nystatin, Clotrimazole or Terbinafine: are used to treat excess fungi; Antibiotic ointments, such as Clindomycin or Mupirocin: used in cases of infection by bacteria.

If, even so, the symptoms continue or recur, it is necessary to assess the presence of some type of allergy, which may be caused by a specific soap or other hygiene product, for example. In such cases, the substance that causes the allergy should be avoided, to relieve the symptoms once and for all.

After treatment, to prevent balanitis from recurring, the penis should always be kept clean and dry, avoid the use of products that can irritate the skin and use condoms in all sexual relations, to reduce the risk of communicable diseases.

In cases where balanitis becomes a chronic or recurrent problem, it is very important to follow up with a urologist as several complications can arise, from difficulty in urinating to phimosis, for example. Understand better what phimosis is.

Balanitis: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment