Home Symptoms Berne: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Berne: what it is, symptoms and treatment


The berne in humans, also called furuncular or furunculous myiasis, is an infectious disease caused by the fly of the species Dermatobium hominis , which has gray color, black bands on the chest and a metallic blue belly. The larvae of this fly are able to penetrate the person's skin, even if there are no injuries, and remain in the tissue, leading to the appearance of a wound with pus that causes a lot of pain.

These flies are usually found in humid places and with mountains, being uncommon in Northeastern Brazil, and their control in these places is important. As soon as any indicative sign of berne appears, it is important that the larva is removed as quickly as possible, otherwise it may favor the occurrence of more infections, complicating the person's health status. Here are some natural ways to get the fly off the skin.

Skin wound caused by berne

Fly larva that generates bern in humans

Main signs and symptoms

After the deposition of eggs by the female fly, the larvae leave the eggs after about 6 days and are able to quickly penetrate the skin, even if it is intact, leading to the appearance of some signs and symptoms, the main ones being:

  • Formation of skin wounds, with redness and slight swelling at the site; Release of a yellowish liquid or blood, by the wounds on the skin; Feeling of something moving under the skin; Pain and severe itching at the wound site.

The diagnosis of berne in humans is made by the dermatologist or infectious disease by observing the signs and symptoms presented by the person.

How to treat berne

It is important before removing the larva that it is killed, otherwise the thorns found on its body may remain attached to the skin, which prevents its removal. One of the strategies to kill and remove the larva is by means of asphyxiation, where you must put a plaster on the place where the larva is and leave for about 1 hour. Then, remove the tape and check if the larva is glued, otherwise apply small pressure in the place so that the larva leaves. It is important that afterwards the region is treated with antibiotic ointments, which must be recommended by the doctor, to avoid the occurrence of infections.

The use of tweezers should only be done when not even with slight compression the larva leaves, and it is recommended that this be done by the doctor to avoid infections. In more severe cases, the doctor may recommend performing minor surgery to make a cut on the skin and widen the orifice, allowing the larva to be removed, or the use of antiparasitic remedies to kill the fly larva. Learn more about the medicine used to treat berne.

Berne: what it is, symptoms and treatment