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Liquid biopsy: the newest way to identify cancer


The liquid biopsy is an exam capable of detecting small fragments of DNA from the tumor in a blood sample of a person, being considered an innovative exam that, in the future, may replace the conventional biopsy, in which it is necessary to remove a sample of the fabric. Learn more about biopsy.

This test is non-invasive, as it does not require cuts or surgery, and works as an excellent alternative for patients in whom biopsy is not possible due to a difficult tumor location or insufficient amount of tissue, for example. example, it is also very useful to monitor the evolution of the disease or to monitor the treatment applied.

The liquid biopsy is done in clinical analysis laboratories that contain the exam, after the doctor's request. This exam is still recent, requiring the use of technology to detect genetic material and, therefore, it can cost up to around R $ 1, 000, depending on the laboratory and the place where it is done.

What is it for

The liquid biopsy is indicated to identify DNA fragments of some types of cancer, since the genetic material of cancer cells is different from that present in normal cells, and as the cancer develops, this DNA becomes present in the blood.

This test is not yet able to replace the conventional biopsy for the initial diagnosis of cancer, being performed mainly for the monitoring and control of the tumor, also allowing the choice of more effective treatments with less reduced side effects.

The liquid biopsy makes it easier and more practical to monitor the cancer patient, reducing the need for biopsies, which despite being safe tests, cause discomfort, need for anesthesia and risk of infections. Some of the types of cancer that can already be identified in this way include non-small cell lung cancer, in addition to colorectal, pancreatic, metastatic melanoma or thyroid tumors, for example.

Liquid biopsy is also used in order to indicate the best drug for a certain type of cancer, identify recurrence and indicate the need for complementary treatment after removal of the tumor. That is, after removal of the tumor, this exam is requested to check if there is still tumor DNA circulating in the body, which can be a sign of metastasis or recurrence.

However, in the absence of circulating tumor genetic material, the person does not need to be submitted to radio or complementary chemotherapy, which is what usually happens with the aim of reducing the chances of recurrence, thus not being exposed to the side effects of this type of treatment.. See what are the side effects of chemotherapy.

How it is done

The liquid biopsy is done with the collection of a blood sample from the patient, which will be analyzed in the laboratory by means of genetic tests capable of detecting the specific DNA of the tumor investigated. In addition, this test can be done in conjunction with others, such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or other blood tests, which help to monitor and indicate the best forms of treatment for each person. Check out which are the main tests that help to identify and confirm the different types of cancer.

Advantages of liquid biopsy

Some of the main advantages of liquid biopsy over traditional biopsy include:

  • Less invasive and less painful, as it may be unnecessary to surgically collect a part of the organ affected by the tumor; Especially facilitates the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the organs; Less chance of complications, such as infections, pain and bleeding; It can allow a personalized treatment to be carried out.

In addition, this test facilitates the monitoring and control of cancer, in addition to helping to adjust the treatment and anticipate the appearance of resistant tumor cells.

Liquid biopsy: the newest way to identify cancer