Home Bulls What is bio-gymnastics and its benefits

What is bio-gymnastics and its benefits


Bio-gymnastics includes breathing exercises, meditation, yoga and the imitation of animal movements such as snakes, felines and monkeys.

The method was created by Orlando Cani, master in Yoga and physical trainer of great Brazilian athletes, and has been spread among gyms, dance studios and yoga centers in big cities.

Benefits of Bioginics

According to the creator, the method is excellent for getting to know your own body, and uses breathing to calm the mind and to be more aware of tiredness and the places that accumulate more tension in daily life. The repetition of the movements that animals make, which are also part of the classes, serve to remember that we are all animals.

The sessions can be individual or group with spontaneous and creative classes, featuring the gymnastics of life.

How to do Bioginastics

Biogymnastics should be a class taught by a teacher accredited by the creator of the method, classes can be held 1, 2, 3 times a week or daily, and after the student learns the exercises, he can practice at home for 10 to 15 minutes to maintain the habit of exercising regularly.

How is the breath of bio-gymnastics

One must pay attention to one's breathing and observe the movements of the diaphragm. The ideal breath should be long, being possible to count calmly to 3 while inhaling, and up to 4 while exhaling through your mouth as if to blow out a candle. This goes against what you naturally do, which is the shortest breath when you are anxious or stressed.

How are the exercises

The exercises include some Hatha Yoga exercises with the animals' body movements, which makes the class deep and fun. As the body gets used to it and creates resistance, exercises can become easier to perform and become more harmonious.

How is relaxation and meditation

One of the priorities of this type of activity is to show the student how he can be able to relax and meditate anywhere, even sitting at work. Just focus your attention on breathing and control your breathing movements to decrease body tension and promote well-being, with no more than 10 minutes to feel the effects on your body.

What is bio-gymnastics and its benefits