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Bulking: what it is and how to do it


Bulking is a process used by many people who participate in bodybuilding competitions and high performance athletes and which aims to gain weight to generate muscle mass, being considered the first phase of hypertrophy. As a consequence of this weight gain, there is a need, then, to lose and transform the excess weight gained into muscle, this period being called cutting. Thus, bulking and cutting are strategies whose ultimate goal is weight gain, due to muscle gain, and fat loss.

Although bulking is more performed by bodybuilders with the ultimate goal of gaining more muscle mass and greater definition, it can also be performed by people who attend the gym and who do not want to compete, but who want hypertrophy, and it is recommended that they follow the guidance of a nutritionist so that the diet plan is adequate, as well as an instructor so that the training is also carried out according to the objective and so that the fat gain is not so high during the bulking period.

How to make

Bulking is usually done in the off-season of competitors, that is, when bodybuilders are not in competition season and, because of that, they can gain weight without major concerns. Bulking consists of consuming more calories than what is expended, since the main objective is to gain weight, and it is therefore recommended to follow a high calorie diet, with increased consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats.

It is important that bulking is done under the guidance of a nutritionist and physical education professional, as it is possible for weight gain to happen in a healthy way, that the correct amount of calories to be consumed is recommended, and that the bulking period is established and that the training is done according to the objective and period for which the person is going through. During this period it is recommended to perform high intensity physical activities, such as HIIT, for example, for about 15 minutes.

It is common that, as weight is gained, there is also an increase in the amount of fat in the body, which is why it is important to advise the nutritionist and the physical education professional, so that the fat gain is minimal during this period and so that the cutting period is more effective. There are two main bulking strategies that should be discussed with the instructor and the nutritionist, namely:

1. Clean bulking

Clean bulking is one in which the person worries about what he is consuming, giving preference to healthy and functional foods, although the amount of calories ingested is greater than what he is used to or what is spent daily. In this type of bulking it is essential to follow a nutritionist, as this way it is possible that the diet plan is indicated according to the characteristics and objective of the person, in addition to the fact that the fat gain is lower.

In addition, the nutritionist can indicate the use of food supplements or medicines that the person can use to potentiate bulking and favor the next stage of hypertrophy, which is cutting.

In this type of bulking the gain in muscle mass happens in a healthier way and in a slow and gradual way, however the diet is more restricted and can be more expensive.

2. Bulking dirty

In dirty bulking there is not much concern in what is consumed daily, with greater consumption of carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, which leads to an increase not only in weight but also in fat.

Although it is not healthy and the cutting process is slower, the gain in muscle mass is faster, and this strategy is more used by athletes.

Bulking and Cutting

Bulking corresponds to the process that precedes cutting, that is, in the bulking period the person consumes more calories than what he spends, because the goal is to gain weight to generate muscle mass, and when he reaches the goal, he moves on to the cutting period, which corresponds to the period in which the diet is more restricted and physical activity is more intense with the objective of losing fat and gaining muscle definition.

Bulking and cutting are strategies adopted together and that must be carried out under nutritional guidance so that they have the expected benefits, which are gains in muscle strength, hypertrophy and fat burning. In addition, with bulking and cutting it is possible to obtain greater vascularity, which is valued in bodybuilding competitions, and higher concentrations of GH circulating in the blood, which is the growth hormone and which is also related to the gain of muscle mass.

Understand what cutting is and how it is done.

Bulking: what it is and how to do it