Home Symptoms Throat cancer: symptoms, causes and treatment

Throat cancer: symptoms, causes and treatment


Throat cancer refers to any type of tumor that develops in the larynx, pharynx, tonsils or any other part of the throat. Although rare, this is a type of cancer that can develop at any age, especially in people over 50, men, people who smoke or overuse alcoholic beverages.

There are two main types of throat cancer:

  • Cancer of the larynx: affects the larynx, which is the place where the vocal cords are found. Find out more about this specific type of cancer; Pharynx cancer: appears in the pharynx which is a tube through which air passes from the nose to the lungs.

Any type of throat cancer can develop very quickly, so whenever you feel or notice any unusual changes, such as a sore throat that takes a long time to pass, sudden changes in your voice or a frequent feeling of a ball in the throat, an ENT should be consulted to identify the cause and initiate the most appropriate treatment.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms that can indicate throat cancer include:

  • Sore throat or ear that does not go away; Frequent cough, which may be accompanied by blood; Difficulty swallowing or breathing; Changes in voice, without apparent cause; Weight loss for no apparent reason; Swelling or appearance of lumps in the neck; Noises when breathing; snoring.

These symptoms vary according to the site affected by the tumor. Thus, if the cancer is developing in the larynx, it is possible that changes in the voice will appear, since if it is only noticeable difficulty in breathing, it is more likely to be cancer in the pharynx.

However, the only way to confirm the diagnosis is to see an otorhinolaryngologist for diagnostic tests and to start treatment.

Another type of cancer that can cause symptoms similar to throat cancer is thyroid cancer. See the 7 main symptoms of thyroid cancer.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of throat cancer can be confirmed by an otorhinolaryngologist, who in addition to assessing the symptoms and clinical history of each person, can also do tests such as laryngoscopy, to see if there are changes in the throat organs.

If changes are identified, the doctor can also take a tissue sample and send it to the laboratory to confirm the presence of cancer cells. Other tests that can also be done are MRI, CT scan or X-ray, for example.

Throat cancer stages

After making a diagnosis of throat cancer, the doctor can divide it into different stages, according to its degree of development, in which in the initial stages (1 and 2) the tumor is small, reaches the most superficial cells and is limited throat and can be easily treated and removed by surgery, in addition to having a better prognosis. In stages 3 and 4, the tumor is larger and is not limited to the throat, and points of metastasis can be easily observed. Stage 4 is more severe, since several scattering foci are observed, which makes treatment more difficult and the prognosis is worse.

The more advanced the stage of cancer, the more difficult it will be to treat. In the early stages, it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the tumor, while in the more advanced stages it may be necessary to combine other types of treatment such as chemo or radiation therapy.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for throat cancer varies according to the degree of development of the disease, however, it is usually started with surgery to remove as many cancer cells as possible. Thus, in the early stages of the disease it is possible that it is possible to completely treat cancer only with surgery, since the tumor is smaller in size.

Depending on the size of the tumor, the doctor may remove only a small part of the affected organ or need to remove it completely. Thus, people with cancer in the larynx, for example, may have sequelae after surgery, such as voice alteration, due to loss of a large part of the organ where the vocal cords are found.

In more advanced cases, it is usually necessary to combine other forms of treatment after surgery, such as chemo or radiotherapy, to eliminate the cells that remain in the body, especially in other tissues or in the lymph nodes, for example.

After surgery, other types of treatment, such as speech therapy and physical therapy, are needed to help the person chew and swallow, for example.

Main causes of throat cancer

One of the main causes of developing throat cancer is HPV infection, which can be transmitted through unprotected oral sex. However, there are also lifestyle habits that can increase the risk of this type of cancer, such as:

  • Being a smoker; Consuming alcoholic beverages in excess; Eating an unhealthy diet, with a small amount of fruits and vegetables and a large amount of processed foods; Infection by the HPV virus; Being exposed to asbestos; Having poor dental hygiene.

Thus, some ways to avoid developing this type of cancer include not smoking, avoiding too frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, eating a healthy diet and avoiding unprotected oral sex.

Throat cancer: symptoms, causes and treatment