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How to identify hypernatremia


Hypernatremia is defined as an increase in the amount of sodium in the blood, being above the maximum limit, which is 145mEq / L. This change occurs when a disease causes excessive water loss, or when a large amount of sodium is consumed, with a loss of balance between the amount of salt and water in the blood.

The treatment for this alteration must be guided by the doctor depending on its cause and the amount of salt in the blood of each person, and generally consists of an increase in water consumption, which can be by mouth or, in more severe cases, with serum in the vein.

What causes hypernatremia

Most of the time, hypernatremia happens due to the loss of excess water by the body, causing dehydration, a situation that is more common in people bedridden or hospitalized due to some disease, in which there is a compromised kidney function. It can also arise in cases of:

  • Diarrhea, common in intestinal infections or use of laxatives; Excessive vomiting, caused by gastroenteritis or pregnancy, for example; Abundant sweat, which happens in case of intense exercise, fever or too much heat. Diseases that make you urinate a lot, such as diabetes insipidus, caused by diseases in the brain or kidneys, or even by the use of medicines. Learn more about how to identify and treat diabetes insipidus.

In addition, people who do not drink water throughout the day, especially the elderly or dependent people who cannot access fluids, are more likely to develop this disorder.

Another important cause for hypernatremia is the excessive consumption of sodium throughout the day, in predisposed people, such as consuming foods rich in salt. See which foods are high in sodium and know what to do to reduce your salt intake.

How the treatment is done

Treatment can be done at home, in milder cases, with increased fluid intake, especially water. Generally, drinking a large amount of water is enough to treat the condition, but in cases of people who cannot drink fluids or when there is a very serious condition, the doctor will recommend replacing water with a lower salt amount., in the amount and speed required for each case.

This correction is also done with care not to cause a sudden change in the composition of the blood, due to the risk of cerebral edema and, in addition, care must be taken not to lower sodium levels too much because, if too low, also it's harmful. See also the causes and treatment of low sodium, which is hyponatremia.

It is also necessary to treat and correct what is causing the blood imbalance, such as treating the cause of intestinal infection, taking homemade serum in cases of diarrhea and vomiting, or the use of vasopressin, which is a recommended medicine for some cases diabetes insipidus.

Signals and symptons

Hypernatremia can cause an increase in thirst or, as it happens most of the time, it does not cause symptoms. However, when the sodium change is very severe or happens suddenly, the excess salt causes brain cells to contract and signs and symptoms such as:

  • Drowsiness; Weakness; Mental confusion; Convulsion; Eat.

Hypernatremia is identified by a blood test, in which the sodium dosage, also identified as Na, is above 145mEq / L. Assessing the concentration of sodium in urine, or urinary osmolarity, also helps to identify the composition of urine and to identify the cause of hypernatremia.

How to identify hypernatremia