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Chromotherapy: what it is, what it is for and how it is made


Chromotherapy is a type of complementary treatment that uses waves emitted by colors such as yellow, red, blue, green or orange, acting on body cells and improving the balance between body and mind, with each color having a therapeutic function different.

In this therapy, a variety of instruments can be applied, such as colored lamps, clothes, food, colored windows or solarized water, for example.

In addition, the benefits of chromotherapy or color therapy are diverse, which can generate a feeling of well-being and even relieve symptoms of some diseases such as high blood pressure and depression, which can be performed at a health center or hospital, with medical authorization.

What are the benefits

Chromotherapy is a type of treatment that has the following benefits:

  • Relief of symptoms of a specific disease through a specific color; Improvement of physical and mental well-being; Decreased physical tiredness; Decreased sleep disorders; Aid in the treatment of headaches; Stimulation of the Central Nervous System.

In addition, chromotherapy is often used as a complementary treatment because it improves the functioning of the heart and, consequently, improves blood circulation.

What is it for

Due to its benefits, chromotherapy can be used for various types of health problems such as fever, insomnia, diabetes, psychiatric illnesses, hypertension, seasonal affective disorder, wounds and joint diseases, however it should be used as a complementary practice, and should not replace the conventional treatment indicated by the doctor.

There are some cases in which chromotherapy is widely used, such as the application of blue light in newborns with jaundice and in people who have infected wounds. In addition, the use of pink light can help in the treatment of people with depression, as it helps to increase some substances that improve mood, such as serotonin.

How it is done

Chromotherapy is carried out using devices that emit light of different colors, and that light can be emitted directly on the skin or the person can be in contact with the light inside a closed room, and may be lying or sitting.

The choice of pain depends on the therapist's indication, and the most used colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. The colors red, orange and yellow can be classified as warm, which are stimulating, while the colors green, blue and violet are called cold colors and are linked to the calming effect. Learn more about the meaning of colors in chromotherapy.

Where to do it

Chromotherapy is known as an integrative or complementary practice, so it must be performed with the doctor's authorization, and conventional treatment should not be abandoned. This type of treatment is available at health centers in some cities and can be offered by SUS, but for this it is necessary to follow up with the family doctor and nurse.

Some hospitals and clinics also provide treatment with chromotherapy, however it is important that it be performed by professionals and therapists trained and qualified in this type of practice.

Caring for

Although it has health benefits, chromotherapy can have undesirable effects if the colors are not used properly or if they are made by untrained professionals.

In addition, the colors of red and orange tones should not be used by people with fever or who are very nervous, as these colors can intensify these symptoms, as well as, people who suffer from gout should not use blue and violet colors for causing sensation worsening symptoms of the disease.

Chromotherapy: what it is, what it is for and how it is made