Home Pregnancy What is it and how to relieve rib pain in pregnancy

What is it and how to relieve rib pain in pregnancy


Rib pain in pregnancy is a very common symptom that usually arises after the 2nd trimester and is caused by inflammation of the nerves in that region and is therefore called intercostal neuralgia.

This inflammation happens because, with hormonal changes typical of pregnancy, the body begins to accumulate more fluids and swell, compressing the nerves.

In addition, with the enlargement of the uterus, the diaphragm rises and the volume of the chest decreases during breathing, reducing the space between the ribs, which further compresses the nerves found in these spaces, causing severe pain.

However, this pain can also be caused by postural changes, lack of vitamin B in the body or infections by viruses, such as herpes, for example, being advised to consult the obstetrician to identify the correct problem and start the appropriate treatment.

Main symptoms

The main symptom of intracostal neuralgia in pregnancy is the appearance of pain, which:

  • It is intense and located in the region of the rib or chest; It radiates to the region under the ribs, shoulders or stomach; It remains even during rest; It worsens when making sudden movements, such as turning the body or lifting objects.

Frequent sweating, muscle spasms, fever and tingling sensation on the skin, for example, can also occur. Due to symptoms, a woman may mistake neuralgia for heart problems, which can increase stress levels.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult the obstetrician quickly for diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, if necessary, to identify the problem and begin treatment. Understand what is the real risk of X-ray for pregnancy and when to do it.

How to relieve pain

During pregnancy, the use of anti-inflammatories and painkillers without medical advice is completely contraindicated, since they can impair the baby's development. Thus, to relieve pain, it is advisable to maintain rest whenever possible and, ideally, to lie on a hard surface, such as a table or a rigid mattress, for example, as it prevents the movement of the ribs.

Wearing a brace during pregnancy also helps to relieve pressure on the ribs and can therefore be used with the knowledge of the obstetrician.

In addition, applying hot compresses on top of the ribs can also help, as it allows you to relax your muscles and prevent them from pressing on the intercostal nerves. Alternative therapies, such as yoga or acupuncture, can be used during pregnancy, and may relieve the symptoms of neuralgia in some pregnant women.

In the case of rib pain being caused by some specific cause such as lack of vitamins or viral infections, the obstetrician will prescribe the necessary remedies, which may include the vitamin B complex to supply the lack of vitamins, or an antiviral for fight infection, for example.

Also watch the following video and see how to relieve other pregnancy symptoms

What is it and how to relieve rib pain in pregnancy