Home Symptoms What causes spider veins on the face and how to treat

What causes spider veins on the face and how to treat


Telangiectasia on the face, also known as vascular spiders, is a common skin disorder that causes small red spider veins to appear on the face, especially in more visible regions such as the nose, lips or cheeks, which may be accompanied by a slight sensation itching or pain.

Although the true causes of this change are not yet known, in most cases, it is a benign problem caused by sun exposure that does not pose any risk to health, although there are some situations, more rare, in which they may be symptoms of a disease. more serious, like rosacea or liver disease, for example.

Although there is no cure for telangiectasis, some treatments, such as laser or sclerotherapy, can be done by a dermatologist to help disguise the spider veins.

What causes telangiectasis

The exact causes of telangiectasia on the face are not yet fully understood, however there are several factors that seem to increase the chances of having this alteration, such as:

  • Excessive sun exposure; Natural skin aging; Family history; Overweight and obesity; Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages; Use of contraceptives or continuous use of corticosteroids; Prolonged exposure to heat or cold; Trauma.

In addition, pregnant women or people with acne or surgical wounds in the region may also develop small red spider veins on the skin of the face.

In the rarest cases, where telangiectasia appears as a sign of a more serious disease, it can be caused by rosacea, Sturge-Weber disease, Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome, liver disease or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of telangiectasia on the face is usually made by a dermatologist, just by observing the changes in the skin, however, it may be necessary to do other tests such as blood tests, CT scan or X-ray, to identify if there are other diseases that may be causing the spider veins.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of small spider veins of the skin is usually done only to disguise the spider veins and improve the appearance of the skin. Some of the most used treatment techniques are:

  • Makeup: its purpose is only to hide and disguise the spider veins, with the advantage that it can be done in any skin tone and without contraindications; Laser therapy: a laser is used directly on the spider veins, which increases the local temperature and closes them, making them less visible. This technique may need several sessions and the treatment should only be done by professionals trained in the use of the equipment; Sclerotherapy: a substance is injected into the spider veins that cause small lesions in its walls, making them thinner. This technique is currently reserved for the lower limbs; Surgery: a small cut is made on the face to remove the spider veins. This is the treatment with the best results, but it can leave a small scar and have a more painful recovery.

In addition, it is also recommended to always apply sunscreen before going out on the street, to prevent exposure to the sun from increasing the number of spider veins.

In cases where there is a disease that may be causing the onset of telangiectasia, it is advisable to make the appropriate treatment of the disease, before trying aesthetic treatments to disguise the spider veins.

See also how grape juice can be a great home remedy to treat spider veins.

What causes spider veins on the face and how to treat