Home Medicinal Plants What tea tree is and what it is for

What tea tree is and what it is for


Melaleuca alternifolia , also known as tea tree, is a tree with thin bark and elongated green leaves, native to Australia, which belongs to the Myrtaceae family.

This plant has in its composition several compounds that have bactericidal, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, mostly located in the leaves, which is where the essential oil is extracted. See the incredible benefits of this oil and how to use it to enjoy them.

What is it for

Melaleuca is a plant widely used to extract the essential oil from the leaves, which has numerous benefits. Due to its bactericidal properties, the oil of this plant can be used as an antiseptic or to help disinfect wounds. In addition, it also helps to heal skin lesions and reduce inflammation.

This plant also improves acne, reducing its appearance, due to its anti-inflammatory properties and attenuating the formation of new pimples, as it is bactericidal and inhibits the growth of the acne-causing bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes.

It can also be used to treat nail fungus, candidiasis, ringworm on the feet and body or eliminate dandruff, because it has fungicidal and calming properties, which in addition to helping to eliminate fungi, also relieve itchiness caused by ringworm.

Melaleuca oil can also be used to prevent bad breath, and in conjunction with other essential oils, such as lavender or citronella, it can be used to repel insects and eliminate lice.

What properties

The oil extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca has healing, antiseptic, antifungal, parasiticidal, germicidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which give it numerous benefits.


Usually this plant is used to obtain an essential oil that should not be ingested, because it is toxic orally. It can also cause allergies in the most sensitive skins and for this reason, it is recommended to always dilute this oil in another one, such as coconut or almond oil, for example.

Possible side effects

Although rare, the oil of this plant can cause skin irritation, allergies, itching, burning, redness and dryness of the skin.

In addition, in case of ingestion, confusion may occur, difficulty controlling the muscles and making movements and in more severe cases it may cause a decrease in consciousness.

What tea tree is and what it is for