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How is the development of the baby at 6 months


The 6-month-old baby likes people to notice him and calls his parents to be with him. He turns towards the caller, strangers strangers, and stops crying when he hears music. At this stage, the baby's intelligence, reasoning and social relationship stand out, especially in interactions with parents or siblings.

At this stage, the baby likes to take everything that is within reach and takes everything to the mouth, to experience textures, flavors and consistency. Therefore, during this phase parents need to be careful, paying attention to what the baby puts in the mouth to prevent the baby from swallowing small things.

Baby weight at 6 months

This table indicates the ideal weight of the baby for this age, however, the weight may vary slightly, and the baby may be more or less weight.

Boys Girls
Weight 7.6 g 7.3 g
Stature 64 cm 63 cm
Cephalic perimeter 43 cm 42 cm
Thoracic perimeter 42.5 cm 41.5 cm
Monthly weight gain 600 g 600 g

In general, babies at this stage of development maintain a pattern of weight gain of 600 g per month. If the weight is much above what we indicate here, it is possible that he is overweight, in which case you should see your pediatrician.

Baby sleep at 6 months

The baby's sleep at 6 months is restful and at this age, the baby may already be sleeping alone in his own room. For this, one must always leave a night light on during the night to facilitate the baby's adaptation, and leave the door open for the baby to be calmer by feeling the presence of the parents.

In addition, a teddy bear or a small cushion so that he can hug and not feel alone can also help during this adaptation phase.

Baby development at 6 months

The 6-month-old baby is already playing at hiding his face with a diaper. In addition, the baby at six months already tries to vocalize vowels and consonants and parents should speak to him with adult language and not with words in the diminutive.

The baby's language is developing and the baby spends a lot of time babbling, and it is at this stage that new consonants such as Z, F and T begin to emerge little by little. Babies who babble more and with different shades demonstrate an excellent development of their intelligence.

During this phase the baby already tries to roll on the bed and is able to sit when supported, managing to turn around alone. In some cases of early development, the baby may even be able to sit alone without support.

It is also at this stage that due to the baby's responses, other problems can be identified, such as hearing problems. Learn to recognize when your baby may have hearing problems at: How to identify if your baby is not listening well.

Watch the video to find out what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

Birth of teeth

Teeth are born around 6 months of age and the front teeth, the lower center and the upper one, are the first to be born. The symptoms of the birth of the first teeth can be restlessness, decreased sleep, decreased appetite, dry cough, excessive saliva and sometimes fever.

To relieve the discomfort of the first teeth, parents can massage their babies' gums with their fingertips or give toys such as teethers for them to bite. See how to relieve pain from the birth of teeth in How to relieve pain from the birth of teeth.

Baby feeding at 6 months

At 6 months, the baby should start eating soups and purees of vegetables and fruit porridge, so that it begins to adapt to foods with different flavor and consistency. At this age, the baby also has an intestinal maturity that allows it to digest food, and its stage of physical development also requires food with a different nutritional value than the milk that has been offered until now.

Baby feeding at 6 months begins to differ and the introduction of new foods is not only part of its nutrition but also of its cognitive development. A good way to start varied feeding is with the BLW method, where the baby starts to eat alone, holding the food with his own hands. In this method all baby meals are cooked food that he is able to hold with his hands and eat alone. Here's how to do this type of food introduction.

How is the development of the baby at 6 months